Laptop Setup --------------- offlineimap synchronization to maildir, notmuch indexing, mutt-kr client. What I want when online: - instant (<1 seconds) email send - with MUA open, instant (<1 seconds) email receive (IMAP IDLE) - with MUA closed, regular (15 minute) imap synchronization, and single command to quickly synchronize and send any queued messages What I want when offline: - full email archive to search over, sort, reply, etc - cache send messages to an outbox folder, to be sent later (or deleted before connecting) Compile mutt-kr: $ sudo aptitude install offlineimap notmuch libgpgme11-dev libnotmuch-dev \ libsasl2-dev libdb-dev $ # in mutt-kr checkout: $ ./prepare $ ./configure --enable-dependency-tracking --enable-notmuch \ --enable-gpgme --enable-hcache --enable-imap --enable-smtp \ --with-ssl --with-gnutls --with-sasl --with-curses --with-regex Install and configure offlineimap: $ sudo aptitude install offlineimap Fetch cacert [a la]( $ openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -connect ${hostname}:imaps -showcerts \ | perl -ne 'print if /BEGIN/../END/; print STDERR if /return/' > $sslcacertfile ^D $ # copy resulting file to /etc/ssl/certs $ # test with: $ openssl s_client -CAfile $sslcacertfile -connect ${hostname}:imaps 2>&1