// Free Software under GPL-3.0, see LICENSE // Copyright 2017 Bryan Newbold extern crate clap; extern crate env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; extern crate geniza; // TODO: more careful import use geniza::*; use std::path::Path; use clap::{App, SubCommand, Arg}; fn parse_dat_key(raw_key: &str) -> Result> { if raw_key.len() != 32 * 2 { bail!("dat key not correct length"); } let mut key_bytes = vec![]; for i in 0..32 { let r = u8::from_str_radix(&raw_key[2 * i..2 * i + 2], 16); match r { Ok(b) => key_bytes.push(b), Err(e) => bail!("Problem with hex: {}", e), }; } Ok(key_bytes) } fn run() -> Result<()> { env_logger::init().unwrap(); let matches = App::new("geniza-net") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("connect") .about("Connects to a peer and exchanges handshake") .arg_from_usage(" 'peer host:port to connect to'") .arg_from_usage(" 'dat key (public key) to register with'"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("receive-all") .about("Connects to a peer, pulls all metadata and content") .arg_from_usage(" 'peer host:port to connect to'") .arg_from_usage(" 'dat key (public key) to register with'"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("discovery-key") .about("Prints (in hex) the discovery key for a dat archive") .arg_from_usage(" 'dat key (public key) to convert (in hex)'"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("discovery-dns-name") .about("Prints the DNS name to query (mDNS or centrally) for peers") .arg_from_usage(" 'dat key (public key) to convert (in hex)'"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("naive-clone") .about("Pulls a drive from a single (known) peer, using a naive algorithm") .arg(Arg::with_name("dat-dir") .short("d") .long("dat-dir") .value_name("PATH") .help("dat drive directory") .default_value(".dat") .takes_value(true)) .arg_from_usage(" 'peer host:port to connect to'") .arg_from_usage(" 'dat key (public key) to pull"), ) .get_matches(); match matches.subcommand() { ("connect", Some(subm)) => { let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap(); let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap(); if dat_key.len() != 32 * 2 { bail!("dat key not correct length"); } let mut key_bytes = vec![]; for i in 0..32 { let r = u8::from_str_radix(&dat_key[2 * i..2 * i + 2], 16); match r { Ok(b) => key_bytes.push(b), Err(e) => bail!("Problem with hex: {}", e), }; } DatConnection::connect(host_port, &key_bytes, false)?; println!("Done!"); } ("receive-all", Some(subm)) => { let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap(); let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap(); if dat_key.len() != 32 * 2 { bail!("dat key not correct length"); } let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?; let mut dc = DatConnection::connect(host_port, &key_bytes, false)?; // XXX: number here totally arbitrary dc.receive_all(false, 10)?; dc.receive_all(true, 10)?; println!("Done!"); } ("discovery-key", Some(subm)) => { let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap(); if dat_key.len() != 32 * 2 { bail!("dat key not correct length"); } let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?; let disc_key = make_discovery_key(&key_bytes); for b in disc_key { print!("{:02x}", b); } println!(""); } ("discovery-dns-name", Some(subm)) => { let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap(); if dat_key.len() != 32 * 2 { bail!("dat key not correct length"); } let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?; let disc_key = make_discovery_key(&key_bytes); for b in 0..20 { print!("{:02x}", disc_key[b]); } println!(".dat.local"); } ("naive-clone", Some(subm)) => { let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap(); let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap(); let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?; let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("dat-dir").unwrap()); let mut metadata = SleepDirRegister::create(&dir, "metadata")?; node_simple_clone(host_port, &key_bytes, &mut metadata, false)?; // TODO: read out content key from metadata register //let content = SleepDirRegister::create(&dir, "content")?; //node_simple_clone(host_port, &key_bytes, &mut content, true)?; } _ => { println!("Missing or unimplemented command!"); println!("{}", matches.usage()); ::std::process::exit(-1); } } Ok(()) } quick_main!(run);