next: - Synchronizer => probably an options builder? => "wanted" bitmap => design statemachine (global and per-peer) => actions for each message type => PeerState helper, with bitfield => when a peer is ready, find a mutal chunk option, mark as in progress => some logic to do drive stuff (add new registers, etc) => chan-signal to shutdown - get everything to compile - clean up node bitfield implementation => use bit_vec (bit-vec = "0.4.4") instead of bit_field (remove) - "insert" API for HyperRegister (when we have a signed Data message) - how to create a Data message in response to a Request - sparse register clone - 'geniza clone' command - 'geniza checkout' command - 'geniza init', 'geniza commit' commands threaded sync: - rust stdlib async TCP? - event loop runner - channel polling - polling for connections (channels + async TCP) - UNIX signal handling - later: accepting inbound connections specific tests: - drive children array: deep directory nesting (like 'tree' example) - sleep info a variety of bad sleep files, should error - sleep create a known file, should be same as empty (also a "Rot13" algo file) - create a register, binary compare against known-good - test vectors of leaf, parent, and root hashes - test vectors of signatures - cloning with metadata pointing to relative or absolute paths ("dir/../../../../etc/passwd") performance: - cache SLEEP file length when opened (don't fstat all the time) - keep an LRU cache of SLEEP reads Backburner: - try switching to Coded{Input/Output}Stream for fewer copies/allocations - API to link and run from, eg, python - uTP transport - in-memory storage backend - compile to WASM... play in browser? - multi-connection network sync (per-connection state, etc) - duplicate file/chunk optimizations - secret_key-in-home helpers (read/write) - SLEEP bitfields stuff - .latest and .ogd files - benchmarks! syscall counts (strace), timing, etc - test fault injection... with strace? - consider kafka (append performance) and sqlite (robustness) file I/O patterns - manpage - slog for logging - disable sodiumoxide serde feature (faster/smaller build) - sodiumoxide static link - SLEEP API: should just be empty string for algo-name, not Option<> - I have the SLEEP/register naming wrong... sleep refers to the directory? - portable positional file I/O - mmap - switch to byteorder for endian reads/writes - --json args to most CLI commands - ruthlessly simplify APIs - SleepFile from existing File (api) - refactor key generation into generic/re-usable function - turn magic numbers in tree nodes into declared (public?) constants - root_nodes as an iterator? (vs returning a Vec) - pretty terminal output: - error handling best practices: - debug commands with hex i/o: - sendfile() or splice() for disk-to-disk copying? - Rust FS API example: - "bytes" crate