A very basic project template for Verilog simulation and synthesis using Isim and Xilinx tools. Adapted from an actual project, so there is likely a bit of unecessary flags and switches on certain commands. I have done my best to remove everything a can where things will still build. Build a bitstream (to upload to an FPGA, preconfigured as Spartan 6 chip in one of the conf files) via: .synth_project/make.sh the toplevel ucf (constraints mapping netlist objects from the verilog compilation to hardware resources, and place and routing and timing constraints) is: ./synth_project/project.ucf the toplevel verilog module, which does nothing (just sets some pins to zero) lives in: ./hdl/project.v Simulate with isim via: ./testbench/fuse.sh ./testbench/simulate_isim -gui In isim, you can open the "signals.wcfg" in the file menu to reload a the logic analyzer configuration. This cfg file will not be valid if you delete any signals from your design that are saves in the wcfg. ./testbench/tb.v is the toplevel testbench file for simulation. Please improve and push!