import json import pytest from fatcat_tools.importers import IngestFileResultImporter, JsonLinePusher from fixtures import api @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def ingest_importer(api): yield IngestFileResultImporter(api) # TODO: use API to check that entities actually created... def test_ingest_importer_basic(ingest_importer): with open('tests/files/example_ingest.json', 'r') as f: JsonLinePusher(ingest_importer, f).run() @pytest.mark.skip("tests not flushed out yet") def test_ingest_importer(ingest_importer): last_index = ingest_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open('tests/files/example_ingest.json', 'r') as f: ingest_importer.bezerk_mode = True counts = JsonLinePusher(ingest_importer, f).run() assert counts['insert'] == 2 assert counts['exists'] == 0 assert counts['skip'] == 11 # fetch most recent editgroup change = ingest_importer.api.get_changelog_entry(index=last_index+1) eg = change.editgroup assert eg.description assert "crawled from web" in eg.description.lower() assert eg.extra['git_rev'] assert "fatcat_tools.IngestFileResultImporter" in eg.extra['agent'] # re-insert; should skip with open('tests/files/example_ingest.json', 'r') as f: ingest_importer.reset() ingest_importer.bezerk_mode = False counts = JsonLinePusher(ingest_importer, f).run() assert counts['insert'] == 0 assert counts['exists'] == 2 assert counts['skip'] == 11 def test_ingest_dict_parse(ingest_importer): with open('tests/files/example_ingest.json', 'r') as f: raw = json.loads(f.readline()) f = ingest_importer.parse_record(raw) assert f.sha1 == "00242a192acc258bdfdb151943419437f440c313" assert f.md5 == "f4de91152c7ab9fdc2a128f962faebff" assert f.mimetype == "application/pdf" assert f.size == 255629 assert len(f.urls) == 2 for u in f.urls: if u.rel == "web": assert u.url.startswith("") if u.rel == "webarchive": assert u.url.startswith("") assert len(f.release_ids) == 1