{% set entity = release %} {% set entity_view = "files" %} {% set entity_type = "release" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% extends "entity_base.html" %} {% block entity_main %}

Known Files and URLs

{% if entity.files != [] %} {% for file in entity.files %}
{% if file.mimetype != None %}{{ file.mimetype }}  {% endif %} {% if file.size != None %}{{ file.size|filesizeformat }}{% endif %}
{% if file.sha1 != None %}sha1:{{ file.sha1[:20] + "..." }} {% elif file.sha256!= None %}sha256:{{ file.md5[:20] + "..." }} {% elif file.md5 != None %}md5:{{ file.md5[:20] + "..." }} {% endif %}
{% for url in file.urls[:5] %} {{ url.url.split('/')[2] }} ({{ url.rel }})
{% endfor %} {% if file.urls|length > 5 %} + {{ file.urls|length - 5 }} more URLs {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

There are no known files associated with this release (you could try other releases for this work?). {% endif %} {% if entity.filesets != [] %}

File Sets

{% for fileset in entity.filesets %}
{{ fileset.manifest|count }} files  {{ fileset.total_size|filesizeformat }}
fileset:{{ fileset.ident }}
{% for url in fileset.urls[:5] %} {% if url.rel == "dweb" %} {{ url.url }} ({{ url.rel }})
{% else %} {{ url.url.split('/')[2] }} ({{ url.rel }})
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if fileset.urls|length > 5 %} + {{ file.urls|length - 5 }} more URLs {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if entity.webcaptures != [] %}

Web Captures

{% for webcapture in entity.webcaptures %}
{{ webcapture.original_url }}
{{ webcapture.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }} | {{ webcapture.cdx|count }} resources
webcapture:{{ webcapture.ident }}
{% for url in webcapture.archive_urls[:5] %} {{ url.url.split('/')[2] }} ({{ url.rel }})
{% endfor %} {% if webcapture.urls|length > 5 %} + {{ file.urls|length - 5 }} more URLs {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}