{% set container = entity %} {% set entity_view = "overview" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% extends "entity_base.html" %} {% block entity_main %}
{% if container.container_type %} {% set pub_type_phrase = container.container_type %} {% else %} {% set pub_type_phrase = '"container" (a publication venue)' %} {% endif %} {% if container.state == 'active' %}
{% endif %} {% if (container.extra != None) and (container.extra['urls'] or container.extra['webarchive_urls']) %}

Homepage URLs

{% for url in container.extra['urls'] or [] %} {% endfor %} {% for url in container.extra['webarchive_urls'] or [] %} {% endfor %}
{{ url }}
{{ url }}
{% endif %} {% if container._random_releases %}

Example Publications

{% for random_release in container._random_releases %} {{ entity_macros.release_search_result_row(random_release) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{# start right-hand entity column #}
{% if container._stats %}
{{ "{:,}".format(container._stats.total) }}
Known Releases
{% endif %} {% if container._es and container._es.is_oa == True %}
Open Access Publication
{% endif %} {% if container._stats and container._stats.total >= 1 %}
Preservation Summary [more]
{{ entity_macros.preservation_bar(container._stats.preservation) }} {{ entity_macros.preservation_small_table(container._stats.preservation) }}
{% endif %} {% if container._stats and container._stats.total >= 1 %}
Release Types
{% if container._stats.total >= 1 %} {% for type_row in container._stats.release_type %}
{% if type_row == "_unknown" %}unknown-type{% else %}{{ type_row }}{% endif %} {% if type_row == "_unknown" %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ "{:,}".format(container._stats.release_type[type_row]) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if container.container_type != None or container.publication_status != None %}
{% if container.container_type != None %} Publication Type  {{ container.container_type or 'unknown' }}
{% endif %} {% if container.publication_status != None %} Publication Status  {{ container.publication_status or 'unknown' }}
{% endif %} {% if container.extra and container.extra.country %} Country Code  {{ container.extra.country }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if container.issnl != None or container.issne != None or container.issnp != None or container.wikidata_qid != None %}
{% if container.issnl != None %} ISSN-L?  {{ container.issnl }}
{% endif %} {% if container.issnp or (container.extra != None and container.extra.issnp != None and (container.extra.issnp|length > 0)) %}     Print:  {{ container.issnp or container.extra.issnp }}
{% endif %} {% if container.issne or (container.extra != None and container.extra.issne != None and (container.extra.issne|length > 0)) %}     Electronic:  {{ container.issne or container.extra.issne }}
{% endif %} {% if container.wikidata_qid != None %} Wikidata  {{ container.wikidata_qid }}
{% endif %} {% if container.extra and container.extra.dblp %} dblp  {{ container.extra.dblp.prefix }}
{% endif %} {% if container.extra and container.extra.ia and container.extra.ia.sim %} archive.org  sim_pubid:{{ container.extra.ia.sim.sim_pubid }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if (container._es and container._es != None) %}
Directory Listings
{% if container._es.in_doaj == True %} In DOAJ
{% elif container._es.in_doaj == False %} Not in DOAJ
{% endif %} {% if container._es.in_road == True %} In ISSN ROAD
{% endif %} {% if container.extra and container.extra.szczepanski %} In Szczepanski List
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# {%- if container.extra and container.extra.kbart %}
Preservation Holdings
{% for k, v in container.extra.kbart.items() %} {% if k == "lockss" %} LOCKSS: {% elif k == "clockss" %} CLOCKSS: {% elif k == "hathitrust" and container.issnl %} HathiTrust: {% elif k == "portico" and container.issnl %} Portico: {% elif k == "scholarsportal" and container.issnl %} Scholars Portal: {% else %} {{ k }}: {% endif %} years {% for span in v.year_spans %} {% if span|length >= 2 -%} {{ span[0] }}-{{ span[1] -}} {% elif span|length == 1 -%} {{ span[0] -}} {% endif -%} {{- ", " if not loop.last }} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} #}
Lookup Links
{% if container.issnl %} ISSN Portal
The Keepers Registry (preservation)
SHERPA/RoMEO (access policies)
{% endif %} {% if not container.wikidata_qid %} wikidata.org
{% endif %}
{{ entity_macros.fatcat_bits(entity, "container", "", editgroup) }}
{% endblock %}