{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Login/Signup{% endblock %} {% block fullbody %}

Login / Signup

Select a provider below to create a Fatcat editor account or log back in. Note that currently editor accounts are locked 1-to-1 with external identities.

Before creating an account, please review our Norms and Policies.
{% if config.IA_XAUTH_CLIENT_ID %}

{% else %}

Internet Archive
not configured

{% endif %} {% if config.ORCID_CLIENT_ID %}

via OpenID Connect

{% endif %} {% if config.WIKIPEDIA_CLIENT_ID %}

via OAuth

{% endif %} {% if config.GITLAB_CLIENT_ID %}

via OAuth

{% endif %} {% if config.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID %}

via OAuth

{% endif %} {# alternative style

Operators can also authenticate directly using an auth token.

If you have problems getting logged in, please contact us.

{% endblock %}