This file describes hacks used to import dblp container and release metadata. The container metadata must be processed and imported first, to create containers for non-ISSN venues. However, dblp only publishes structured metadata for articles (releases), not venues (containers), so we need to process the articles, then import the containers, then import the articles. There is a path that scrapes venue metadata out of HTML. ## New Process (2022) Usually all of this gets run on a production fatcat instance. It may be possible to run parts elsewhere, but not confirmed, and would require copying some set of files around. # remove any old/stale files ./ ./ This will take a while to run, after which the container metadata can be imported, like: cd ../../python pipenv shell export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_DBLP=[...] ./ dblp-container --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt --dblp-container-map-file ../extra/dblp/existing_dblp_containers.tsv --dblp-container-map-output ../extra/dblp/all_dblp_containers.tsv ../extra/dblp/dblp_container_meta.json Check that counts look sane: wc -l existing_dblp_containers.tsv all_dblp_containers.tsv dblp_container_meta.json prefix_list.txt Then do release import like: cd ../../python pipenv shell export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_DBLP=[...] ./ dblp-release --dblp-container-map-file ../extra/dblp/all_dblp_containers.tsv ../extra/dblp/dblp.xml Lastly, to generate sandcrawler ingest requests, from the JSON-dumped partial release objects:: cat dblp_releases_partial.json | pipenv run ./ - | pv -l | gzip > dblp_sandcrawler_ingest_requests.json.gz ## [OLD] Manual Commands Set up a working directory somewhere: export DBLP_DIR=/data/dblp Starting with a complete dblp.xml (and dblp.dtd) dump, do a dry-run transform and dump release entities in JSON; this takes some time: export FATCAT_API_AUTH_TOKEN=[...] ./ dblp-release $DBLP_DIR/dblp.xml --dump-json-mode | pv -l > $DBLP_DIR/dblp_releases.json Next extract the unique set of dblp identifier prefixes, which will be used as container identifiers: cat $DBLP_DIR/dblp_releases.json | jq ._dblp_prefix -r | grep -v ^null | sort -u > $DBLP_DIR/prefix_list.txt Then fetch HTML documents from for each prefix. Note that currently only single-level containers will download successfully, and only journals, conf, and series sections. Books, Tech Reports, etc may be nice to include in the future. mkdir -p journals mkdir -p conf mkdir -p series shuf $DBLP_DIR/prefix_list.txt | pv -l | parallel -j1 wget -nc -q "{}/index.html" -O {}.html # clean up any failed/empty files, then re-run the above parallel/wget command find . -empty -type f -delete Using the python script in this directory, extract metadata from these HTML documents: fd html conf/ journals/ series/ | /srv/fatcat/src/extra/dblp/ | pv -l > dblp_container_meta.json This can be imported into fatcat using the dblp-container importer: ./ dblp-container --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt --dblp-container-map-file $DBLP_DIR/existing_dblp_containers.tsv --dblp-container-map-output $DBLP_DIR/all_dblp_containers.tsv $DBLP_DIR/dblp_container_meta.json