Simple periodic update of DOAJ article-level metadata. cat doaj_article_data_*/article_batch*.json | jq .[] -c | pv -l | gzip > doaj_article_data_2021-05-25_all.json.gz => 6.1M 0:18:45 [5.42k/s] => 7.26M 0:30:45 [3.94k/s] export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_DOAJ=... cat /srv/fatcat/tasks/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_sample_10k.json | ./ doaj-article --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt - # Counter({'total': 10000, 'exists': 8827, 'exists-fuzzy': 944, 'insert': 219, 'skip': 8, 'skip-title': 8, 'skip-doaj-id-mismatch': 2, 'update': 0}) zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.json.gz | shuf | pv -l | parallel -j12 --round-robin --pipe ./ doaj-article --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt - The above seemed to use too much CPU, and caused a brief outage. Very high CPU use for just the python import processes, for whatever reason. Turned down parallelism and trying again: zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.json.gz | pv -l | parallel -j6 --round-robin --pipe ./ doaj-article --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt - # multiple counts of: # Counter({'total': 1196313, 'exists': 1055412, 'exists-fuzzy': 111490, 'insert': 27835, 'skip': 1280, 'skip-title': 1280, 'skip-doaj-id-mismatch': 296, 'update': 0}) # estimated only 167,010 new entities Then did a follow-up sandcrawler ingest, see notes in that repository.