import typing import babel.numbers import import jinja2 from starlette.background import BackgroundTask from starlette.templating import _TemplateResponse from fatcat_scholar.config import I18N_LANG_OPTIONS, settings TEMPLATE_LOADER = jinja2.FileSystemLoader("fatcat_scholar/templates") class Jinja2Templates: """ This is a patched version of starlette.templating.Jinja2Templates that supports extensions (list of strings) passed to jinja2.Environment """ def __init__(self, extensions: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: assert jinja2 is not None, "jinja2 must be installed to use Jinja2Templates" self.env = self.get_env(extensions) def get_env(self, extensions: typing.List[str] = []) -> "jinja2.Environment": @jinja2.pass_context def url_for(context: dict, name: str, **path_params: typing.Any) -> str: request = context["request"] return request.url_for(name, **path_params) env = jinja2.Environment( loader=TEMPLATE_LOADER, extensions=extensions, autoescape=True ) env.globals["url_for"] = url_for return env def get_template(self, name: str) -> "jinja2.Template": return self.env.get_template(name) def TemplateResponse( self, name: str, context: dict, status_code: int = 200, headers: dict = None, media_type: str = None, background: BackgroundTask = None, ) -> _TemplateResponse: if "request" not in context: raise ValueError('context must include a "request" key') template = self.get_template(name) return _TemplateResponse( template, context, status_code=status_code, headers=headers, media_type=media_type, background=background, ) def load_i18n_files() -> typing.Any: """ This is a hack to work around lack of per-request translation (babel/gettext) locale switching in FastAPI and Starlette. Flask (and presumably others) get around this using global context (eg, in Flask-Babel). See related issues: - - """ d = dict() for lang_opt in I18N_LANG_OPTIONS: translations = dirname="fatcat_scholar/translations", locales=[lang_opt], ) d[lang_opt] = translations return d I18N_TRANSLATION_FILES = load_i18n_files() def locale_gettext(translations: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: def gt(s): # noqa: ANN001,ANN201 return translations.ugettext(s) return gt def locale_ngettext(translations: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: def ngt(s, p, n): # noqa: ANN001,ANN201 return translations.ungettext(s, p, n) return ngt def i18n_templates(locale: str) -> Jinja2Templates: """ This is a hack to work around lack of per-request translation (babel/gettext) locale switching in FastAPI and Starlette. Flask (and presumably others) get around this using global context (eg, in Flask-Babel). The intent is to call this function and create a new Jinja2 Environment for a specific language separately within a request (aka, not shared between requests), when needed. This is inefficient but should resolve issues with cross-request poisoning, both in threading (threadpool) or async concurrency. See related issues: - - """ translations = I18N_TRANSLATION_FILES[locale] templates = Jinja2Templates( extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n", ""], ) templates.env.install_gettext_translations(translations, newstyle=True) # type: ignore templates.env.install_gettext_callables( # type: ignore locale_gettext(translations), locale_ngettext(translations), newstyle=True, ) # remove a lot of whitespace in HTML output with these configs templates.env.trim_blocks = True templates.env.lstrip_blocks = True # pass-through application settings to be available in templates templates.env.globals["settings"] = settings templates.env.globals["babel_numbers"] = babel.numbers templates.env.globals["make_access_redirect_url"] = make_access_redirect_url return templates def parse_accept_lang(header: str, options: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Crude HTTP Accept-Language content negotiation. Assumes that languages are specified in order of priority, etc. """ if not header: return None chunks = [v.split(";")[0].split("-")[0].split("_")[0] for v in header.split(",")] for c in chunks: if len(c) == 2 and c in options: return c return None def test_parse_accept_lang() -> None: assert parse_accept_lang("", []) is None assert parse_accept_lang("en,de", []) is None assert parse_accept_lang("en,de", ["en"]) == "en" assert parse_accept_lang("en-GB,de", ["en"]) == "en" assert parse_accept_lang("zh_Hans_CN", ["en", "zh"]) == "zh" assert parse_accept_lang("en,de", ["de"]) == "de" assert ( parse_accept_lang("en-ca,en;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,de-de;q=0.4,de;q=0.2", ["de"]) == "de" ) assert ( parse_accept_lang( "en-ca,en;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,de-de;q=0.4,de;q=0.2", ["en", "de"] ) == "en" ) assert ( parse_accept_lang("en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7", ["zh", "en", "de"]) == "en" ) def wayback_direct_url(url: str) -> str: """ Re-writes a wayback replay URL to add the 'id_' suffix (or equivalent for direct file access) """ if "://" not in url: return url segments = url.split("/") if len(segments) < 6 or not segments[4].isdigit(): return url segments[4] += "id_" return "/".join(segments) def test_wayback_direct_url() -> None: assert ( wayback_direct_url("") == "" ) assert ( wayback_direct_url("*/") == "*/" ) assert ( wayback_direct_url( "" ) == "" ) assert ( wayback_direct_url( "" ) == "" ) def make_access_redirect_url(work_ident: str, access_type: str, access_url: str) -> str: if access_type == "wayback" and "://" in access_url: segments = access_url.split("/") original_url = "/".join(segments[5:]) return f"{work_ident}/access/wayback/{original_url}" elif access_type == "ia_file" and "://" in access_url: suffix = "/".join(access_url.split("/")[4:]) return f"{work_ident}/access/ia_file/{suffix}" else: return access_url def test_make_access_redirect_url() -> None: assert ( make_access_redirect_url( "lmobci36t5aelogzjsazuwxpie", "wayback", "", ) == "" ) assert ( make_access_redirect_url( "lmobci36t5aelogzjsazuwxpie", "wayback", "", ) == "" ) assert ( make_access_redirect_url( "lmobci36t5aelogzjsazuwxpie", "ia_file", "", ) == "" ) assert ( make_access_redirect_url( "lmobci36t5aelogzjsazuwxpie", "blah", "" ) == "" ) assert ( make_access_redirect_url( "lmobci36t5aelogzjsazuwxpie", "wayback", "", ) == "" )