_                          _     _                _        _ 
  _____  ___   _| |__   ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |_  | |__   __ _  ___| | _____| |
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### Build Dependencies and Installation It should be possible to build this project for most platforms using cargo directly. Installation and XScreensaver integration probably only works on UNIX machines (Linux, \*BSD, etc). It's only been developed and tested on Debian jessie, using the stable Rust toolchain (version 1.9). A patched version of the `glutin` OpenGL window generation library is required; see below. The `pandoc` tool is required for building manpages. To just build (`--debug`) and run an indivual "hack", eg `exuberantbovines`: cargo run --bin exuberantbovines To build everything (`--release`) and install, first run: make install Then follow the directions about adding lines like the following to you `~/.xscreensaver` to have hacks actually show up in, eg, `xscreensaver-demo`: GL: exuberantbovines --root \n\ ### Installing Patched glutin Library Circa June 2016, this project requires a patched version of the `glutin` window creation library to allow re-using an existing X Window. This is only necessary for integration with X Windows, but the project won't build without it. As a workaround until there is a solution in upstream `glutin`, use the ["dependency override"](http://doc.crates.io/specifying-dependencies.html#overriding-dependencies) feature of the cargo build tool. Checkout the `feature-existing` branch from `https://github.com/bnewbold/glutin`, then, under this directory (exuberant-hacks), create a `.cargo/config` file with a path like: ``` paths = ["/home/bnewbold/src/glutin"] ``` ### Creating Your Own Hacks You'll need to create at least three files with the same base name (`$HACK`): - the rust sourcecode (`src/bin/$HACK.rs`) - an XML config file (`configs/$HACK.xml`) - a manpage in Markdown format (`doc/$HACK.6.md`) Then just add your HACK to the list in Makefile. See also XScreensaver's ["Writing new XScreenSaver modules"](https://github.com/Zygo/xscreensaver/blob/master2/README.hacking)