1. einhyrningsins(1)
  2. einhyrningsins(1)


einhyrningsins - graceful restarts for socket-based daemons


einhyrningsins [OPTIONS] [--] PROGRAM [PROGRAM_ARGS]


einhyrningsins is a socket multiplexer featuring graceful restarts. It runs multiple copies of a child program, each of which are passed a shared socket (or multiple shared sockets) to bind(2) to and accept(2) connections from. Graceful, rolling restarts enable updates of the child program with zero downtime and no dropped connections.

This program requires special support in the child program to achive the graceful restarts (aka, exiting only after all connection close) and to be able to bind to inherited file descriptors (as indicated by environment variables). Child programs must also be able to run in parallel: for example, each copy must not try to write to the same output file without some form of locking.


-n, --number COUNT

How many child processes to spawn.

-b, --bind ADDR:PORT[,OPT...]

Socket(s) to bind to. OPT specifies flags to be set on the socket. Options are n for non-blocking (O_NONBLOCK) and r for re-using addresses (SO_REUSEADDR). Eg, for both options, could pass -b,r,n. This argument can be repeated.

-4, --ipv4-only

Only accept IPv4 connections

-6, --ipv6-only

Only accept IPv6 connections

-h, --help

Print a help menu


Print program version

-v, --verbose

More verbose logging and output


Enables logging via syslog(2) (for WARN and above).

-m, --manual

Enable manual (explicit) acknowledge mode, in which each child program must connect to the master's control socket and "ACK" within a graceperiod, or it will be considered unhealthy and get restarted.

--drop-env-var VAR

Clears the given variable from the child's environment. All other variables are passed through by default. This argument can be repeated.

-d, --socket-path PATH

Where to create the control socket (default: /tmp/einhorn.sock).

-r, --retries COUNT

How many times to attempt re-spawning before giving up.


einhyrningsins creates children by fork(1)-ing a new process and execve(1)-ing to run the proces itself. For every socket specified by a -b flag, a socket is bound in the main einhyrningsins process and then explicitly flagged to be passed on to the child processes. This means the child process will already have a valid file descriptor bound to each of the shared sockets. The file descriptor numbers are passed via the following environment variables:

How many sockets have been passed.
One evironment for each socket with NUM from 0 to EINHORN_FD_COUNT-1.

When einhyrningsins is run in manual mode, each child process should connect to the control socket (at the UNIX path given by the EINHORN_SOCK_PATH variable) and write(2) a newline-terminated string like the following, containing the child's PID number:

{"command":"worker:ack", "pid":<PID>}


einhyrningsins is a partially-comparible re-implementation of einhorn(1) (a Ruby program) in Rust. Einhorn itself derived from Unicorn.

The word "einhyrningsins" is Icelandic for unicorn.


einhyrningsins is a for-fun hobby project. It is not feature complete, fully documented, or tested.

Copyright 2016 Bryan Newbold

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


einhorn(1), einhyrningsinsctl(1), socket(7)

  1. October 2016
  2. einhyrningsins(1)