;;; "MISCIO" Search for string from port. ; Written 1995, 1996 by Oleg Kiselyov (oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu) ; Modified 1996 by A. Jaffer (jaffer@ai.mit.edu) ; ; This code is in the public domain. ;;; Return the index of the first occurence of a-char in str, or #f (define (string-index str a-char) (let loop ((pos 0)) (cond ;; whole string has been searched, in vain ((>= pos (string-length str)) #f) ((char=? a-char (string-ref str pos)) pos) (else (loop (+ 1 pos)))))) (define (substring? pattern str) (let* ((pat-len (string-length pattern)) (search-span (- (string-length str) pat-len)) (c1 (if (zero? pat-len) #f (string-ref pattern 0))) (c2 (if (<= pat-len 1) #f (string-ref pattern 1)))) (cond ((not c1) 0) ; empty pattern, matches upfront ((not c2) (string-index str c1)) ; one-char pattern (else ; matching pattern of > two chars (let outer ((pos 0)) (cond ((> pos search-span) #f) ; nothing was found thru the whole str ((not (char=? c1 (string-ref str pos))) (outer (+ 1 pos))) ; keep looking for the right beginning ((not (char=? c2 (string-ref str (+ 1 pos)))) (outer (+ 1 pos))) ; could've done pos+2 if c1 == c2.... (else ; two char matched: high probability ; the rest will match too (let inner ((i-pat 2) (i-str (+ 2 pos))) (if (>= i-pat pat-len) pos ; the whole pattern matched (if (char=? (string-ref pattern i-pat) (string-ref str i-str)) (inner (+ 1 i-pat) (+ 1 i-str)) ;; mismatch after partial match (outer (+ 1 pos)))))))))))) (define (find-string-from-port? str . max-no-char) (set! max-no-char (if (null? max-no-char) #f (car max-no-char))) (letrec ((no-chars-read 0) (my-peek-char ; Return a peeked char or #f (lambda () (and (or (not max-no-char) (< no-chars-read max-no-char)) (let ((c (peek-char ))) (if (eof-object? c) #f c))))) (next-char (lambda () (read-char ) (set! no-chars-read (+ 1 no-chars-read)))) (match-1st-char ; of the string str (lambda () (let ((c (my-peek-char))) (if (not c) #f (begin (next-char) (if (char=? c (string-ref str 0)) (match-other-chars 1) (match-1st-char))))))) ;; There has been a partial match, up to the point pos-to-match ;; (for example, str[0] has been found in the stream) ;; Now look to see if str[pos-to-match] for would be found, too (match-other-chars (lambda (pos-to-match) (if (>= pos-to-match (string-length str)) no-chars-read ; the entire string has matched (let ((c (my-peek-char))) (and c (if (not (char=? c (string-ref str pos-to-match))) (backtrack 1 pos-to-match) (begin (next-char) (match-other-chars (+ 1 pos-to-match))))))))) ;; There had been a partial match, but then a wrong char showed up. ;; Before discarding previously read (and matched) characters, we check ;; to see if there was some smaller partial match. Note, characters read ;; so far (which matter) are those of str[0..matched-substr-len - 1] ;; In other words, we will check to see if there is such i>0 that ;; substr(str,0,j) = substr(str,i,matched-substr-len) ;; where j=matched-substr-len - i (backtrack (lambda (i matched-substr-len) (let ((j (- matched-substr-len i))) (if (<= j 0) ;; backed off completely to the begining of str (match-1st-char) (let loop ((k 0)) (if (>= k j) (match-other-chars j) ; there was indeed a shorter match (if (char=? (string-ref str k) (string-ref str (+ i k))) (loop (+ 1 k)) (backtrack (+ 1 i) matched-substr-len)))))))) ) (match-1st-char)))