;;; "strcase.scm" String casing functions. ; Written 1992 by Dirk Lutzebaeck (lutzeb@cs.tu-berlin.de) ; ; This code is in the public domain. ; Modified by Aubrey Jaffer Nov 1992. ; Authors of the original version were Ken Dickey and Aubrey Jaffer. ;string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize ; are obvious string conversion procedures and are non destructive. ;string-upcase!, string-downcase!, string-capitalize! ; are destructive versions. (define (string-upcase! str) (do ((i (- (string-length str) 1) (- i 1))) ((< i 0) str) (string-set! str i (char-upcase (string-ref str i))))) (define (string-upcase str) (string-upcase! (string-copy str))) (define (string-downcase! str) (do ((i (- (string-length str) 1) (- i 1))) ((< i 0) str) (string-set! str i (char-downcase (string-ref str i))))) (define (string-downcase str) (string-downcase! (string-copy str))) (define (string-capitalize! str) ; "hello" -> "Hello" (let ((non-first-alpha #f) ; "hELLO" -> "Hello" (str-len (string-length str))) ; "*hello" -> "*Hello" (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ; "hello you" -> "Hello You" ((= i str-len) str) (let ((c (string-ref str i))) (if (char-alphabetic? c) (if non-first-alpha (string-set! str i (char-downcase c)) (begin (set! non-first-alpha #t) (string-set! str i (char-upcase c)))) (set! non-first-alpha #f)))))) (define (string-capitalize str) (string-capitalize! (string-copy str))) (define string-ci->symbol (if (equal? "a" (symbol->string 'a)) (lambda (str) (string->symbol (string-downcase str))) (lambda (str) (string->symbol (string-upcase str)))))