;;; "srfi-61.scm" -- A more general cond clause -*- Scheme -*- ;;; Public domain ;;; Author: Taylor Campbell ;;; URL:http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-61/srfi-61.html ;@ (define-syntax cond (syntax-rules (=> else) ((cond (else else1 else2 ...)) ;; The (IF #T (BEGIN ...)) wrapper ensures that there may be no ;; internal definitions in the body of the clause. R5RS mandates ;; this in text (by referring to each subform of the clauses as ;; ) but not in its reference implementation of COND, ;; which just expands to (BEGIN ...) with no (IF #T ...) wrapper. (if #t (begin else1 else2 ...))) ((cond (test => receiver) more-clause ...) (let ((T test)) (cond/maybe-more T (receiver T) more-clause ...))) ((cond (generator guard => receiver) more-clause ...) (call-with-values (lambda () generator) (lambda T (cond/maybe-more (apply guard T) (apply receiver T) more-clause ...)))) ((cond (test) more-clause ...) (let ((T test)) (cond/maybe-more T T more-clause ...))) ((cond (test body1 body2 ...) more-clause ...) (cond/maybe-more test (begin body1 body2 ...) more-clause ...)))) (define-syntax cond/maybe-more (syntax-rules () ((cond/maybe-more test consequent) (if test consequent)) ((cond/maybe-more test consequent clause ...) (if test consequent (cond clause ...)))))