;"sierpinski.scm" Hash function for 2d data which preserves nearness. ;From: jjb@isye.gatech.edu (John Bartholdi) ; ; This code is in the public domain. ;Date: Fri, 6 May 94 13:22:34 -0500 (define MAKE-SIERPINSKI-INDEXER (lambda (max-coordinate) (lambda (x y) (if (not (and (<= 0 x max-coordinate) (<= 0 y max-coordinate))) (slib:error 'sierpinski-index "Coordinate exceeds specified maximum.") ; ; The following two mutually recursive procedures ; correspond to to partitioning successive triangles ; into two sub-triangles, adjusting the index according ; to which sub-triangle (x,y) lies in, then rescaling ; and possibly rotating to continue the recursive ; decomposition: ; (letrec ((loopA (lambda (resolution x y index) (cond ((zero? resolution) index) (else (let ((finer-index (+ index index))) (if (> (+ x y) max-coordinate) ; ; In the upper sub-triangle: (loopB resolution (- max-coordinate y) x (+ 1 finer-index)) ; ; In the lower sub-triangle: (loopB resolution x y finer-index))))))) (loopB (lambda (resolution x y index) (let ((new-x (+ x x)) (new-y (+ y y)) (finer-index (+ index index))) (if (> new-y max-coordinate) ; ; In the upper sub-triangle: (loopA (quotient resolution 2) (- new-y max-coordinate) (- max-coordinate new-x) (+ finer-index 1)) ; ; In the lower sub-triangle: (loopA (quotient resolution 2) new-x new-y finer-index)))))) (if (<= x y) ; ; Point in NW triangle of initial square: (loopA max-coordinate x y 0) ; ; Else point in SE triangle of initial square ; so translate point and increase index: (loopA max-coordinate (- max-coordinate x) (- max-coordinate y) 1)))))))