;;;"randinex.scm" Pseudo-Random inexact real numbers for scheme. ;;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1993 Aubrey Jaffer. ; ;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it ;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ;understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. ;This file is loaded by random.scm if inexact numbers are supported by ;the implementation. ;;; Fixed sphere and normal functions from: Harald Hanche-Olsen ;;; Generate an inexact real between 0 and 1. (define random:uniform (letrec ((random:chunks/float ; how many chunks fill an inexact? (letrec ((random:size-float (lambda (l x) (cond ((= 1.0 (+ 1 x)) l) ((= 4 l) l) (else (random:size-float (+ l 1) (/ x 256.0))))))) (random:size-float 0 1.0))) (random:uniform-chunk (lambda (n state) (if (= 1 n) (/ (exact->inexact (random:chunk state)) 256.0) (/ (+ (random:uniform-chunk (- n 1) state) (exact->inexact (random:chunk state))) 256.0))))) (lambda (state) (random:uniform-chunk random:chunks/float state)))) ;;; If x and y are independent standard normal variables, then with ;;; x=r*cos(t), y=r*sin(t), we find that t is uniformly distributed ;;; over [0,2*pi] and the cumulative distribution of r is ;;; 1-exp(-r^2/2). This latter means that u=exp(-r^2/2) is uniformly ;;; distributed on [0,1], so r=sqrt(-2 log u) can be used to generate r. (define (random:normal-vector! vect . args) (let ((state (if (null? args) *random-state* (car args))) (sum2 0)) (let ((do! (lambda (k x) (vector-set! vect k x) (set! sum2 (+ sum2 (* x x)))))) (do ((n (- (vector-length vect) 1) (- n 2))) ((negative? n) sum2) (let ((t (* 6.28318530717958 (random:uniform state))) (r (sqrt (* -2 (log (random:uniform state)))))) (do! n (* r (cos t))) (if (positive? n) (do! (- n 1) (* r (sin t))))))))) (define random:normal (let ((vect (make-vector 1))) (lambda args (apply random:normal-vector! vect args) (vector-ref vect 0)))) ;;; For the uniform distibution on the hollow sphere, pick a normal ;;; family and scale. (define (random:hollow-sphere! vect . args) (let ((ms (sqrt (apply random:normal-vector! vect args)))) (do ((n (- (vector-length vect) 1) (- n 1))) ((negative? n)) (vector-set! vect n (/ (vector-ref vect n) ms))))) ;;; For the uniform distribution on the solid sphere, note that in ;;; this distribution the length r of the vector has cumulative ;;; distribution r^n; i.e., u=r^n is uniform [0,1], so r can be ;;; generated as r=u^(1/n). (define (random:solid-sphere! vect . args) (apply random:hollow-sphere! vect args) (let ((r (expt (random:uniform (if (null? args) *random-state* (car args))) (/ (vector-length vect))))) (do ((n (- (vector-length vect) 1) (- n 1))) ((negative? n)) (vector-set! vect n (* r (vector-ref vect n)))))) (define (random:exp . args) (let ((state (if (null? args) *random-state* (car args)))) (- (log (random:uniform state)))))