;;;; "printf.scm" Implementation of standard C functions for Scheme ;;; Copyright (C) 1991-1993, 1996, 1999-2001 Aubrey Jaffer and Radey Shouman. ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. (require 'string-case) (require 'multiarg-apply) (require-if 'compiling 'generic-write) ;; Determine the case of digits > 9. We assume this to be constant. (define stdio:hex-upper-case? (string=? "-F" (number->string -15 16))) ;; Parse the output of NUMBER->STRING and pass the results to PROC. ;; PROC takes (SIGN-CHARACTER DIGIT-STRING EXPONENT-INTEGER . IMAGPART) ;; SIGN-CHAR will be either #\+ or #\-, DIGIT-STRING will always begin ;; with a "0", after which a decimal point should be understood. ;; If STR denotes a number with imaginary part not exactly zero, ;; 3 additional elements for the imaginary part are passed. ;; If STR cannot be parsed, return #F without calling PROC. (define (stdio:parse-float str proc) (let ((n (string-length str))) (define (parse-error) #f) (define (prefix i cont) (if (and (< i (- n 1)) (char=? #\# (string-ref str i))) (case (string-ref str (+ i 1)) ((#\d #\i #\e) (prefix (+ i 2) cont)) ((#\.) (cont i)) (else (parse-error))) (cont i))) (define (sign i cont) (if (< i n) (let ((c (string-ref str i))) (case c ((#\- #\+) (cont (+ i 1) c)) (else (cont i #\+)))))) (define (digits i cont) (do ((j i (+ j 1))) ((or (>= j n) (not (or (char-numeric? (string-ref str j)) (char=? #\# (string-ref str j))))) (cont j (if (= i j) "0" (substring str i j)))))) (define (point i cont) (if (and (< i n) (char=? #\. (string-ref str i))) (cont (+ i 1)) (cont i))) (define (exp i cont) (cond ((>= i n) (cont i 0)) ((memv (string-ref str i) '(#\e #\s #\f #\d #\l #\E #\S #\F #\D #\L)) (sign (+ i 1) (lambda (i sgn) (digits i (lambda (i digs) (cont i (if (char=? #\- sgn) (- (string->number digs)) (string->number digs)))))))) (else (cont i 0)))) (define (real i cont) (prefix i (lambda (i) (sign i (lambda (i sgn) (digits i (lambda (i idigs) (point i (lambda (i) (digits i (lambda (i fdigs) (exp i (lambda (i ex) (let* ((digs (string-append "0" idigs fdigs)) (ndigs (string-length digs))) (let loop ((j 1) (ex (+ ex (string-length idigs)))) (cond ((>= j ndigs) ;; Zero (cont i sgn "0" 1)) ((char=? #\0 (string-ref digs j)) (loop (+ j 1) (- ex 1))) (else (cont i sgn (substring digs (- j 1) ndigs) ex)))))))))))))))))) (real 0 (lambda (i sgn digs ex) (cond ((= i n) (proc sgn digs ex)) ((memv (string-ref str i) '(#\+ #\-)) (real i (lambda (j im-sgn im-digs im-ex) (if (and (= j (- n 1)) (char-ci=? #\i (string-ref str j))) (proc sgn digs ex im-sgn im-digs im-ex) (parse-error))))) ((eqv? (string-ref str i) #\@) ;; Polar form: No point in parsing the angle ourselves, ;; since some transcendental approximation is unavoidable. (let ((num (string->number str))) (if num (stdio:parse-float (number->string (real-part num)) (lambda (sgn digs ex) (stdio:parse-float (number->string (imag-part num)) (lambda (im-sgn im-digs im-ex) (proc sgn digs ex im-sgn im-digs im-ex))))) (parse-error)))) (else #f)))))) ;; STR is a digit string representing a floating point mantissa, STR must ;; begin with "0", after which a decimal point is understood. ;; The output is a digit string rounded to NDIGS digits after the decimal ;; point implied between chars 0 and 1. ;; If STRIP-0S is not #F then trailing zeros will be stripped from the result. ;; In this case, STRIP-0S should be the minimum number of digits required ;; after the implied decimal point. (define (stdio:round-string str ndigs strip-0s) (let* ((n (- (string-length str) 1)) (res (cond ((< ndigs 0) "") ((= n ndigs) str) ((< n ndigs) (let ((padlen (max 0 (- (or strip-0s ndigs) n)))) (if (zero? padlen) str (string-append str (make-string padlen (if (char-numeric? (string-ref str n)) #\0 #\#)))))) (else (let ((res (substring str 0 (+ ndigs 1))) (dig (lambda (i) (let ((c (string-ref str i))) (if (char-numeric? c) (string->number (string c)) 0))))) (let ((ldig (dig (+ 1 ndigs)))) (if (or (> ldig 5) (and (= ldig 5) (let loop ((i (+ 2 ndigs))) (if (> i n) (odd? (dig ndigs)) (if (zero? (dig i)) (loop (+ i 1)) #t))))) (let inc! ((i ndigs)) (let ((d (dig i))) (if (< d 9) (string-set! res i (string-ref (number->string (+ d 1)) 0)) (begin (string-set! res i #\0) (inc! (- i 1)))))))) res))))) (if strip-0s (let loop ((i (- (string-length res) 1))) (if (or (<= i strip-0s) (not (char=? #\0 (string-ref res i)))) (substring res 0 (+ i 1)) (loop (- i 1)))) res))) (define (stdio:iprintf out format-string . args) (cond ((not (equal? "" format-string)) (let ((pos -1) (fl (string-length format-string)) (fc (string-ref format-string 0))) (define (advance) (set! pos (+ 1 pos)) (cond ((>= pos fl) (set! fc #f)) (else (set! fc (string-ref format-string pos))))) (define (must-advance) (set! pos (+ 1 pos)) (cond ((>= pos fl) (incomplete)) (else (set! fc (string-ref format-string pos))))) (define (end-of-format?) (>= pos fl)) (define (incomplete) (slib:error 'printf "conversion specification incomplete" format-string)) (define (wna) (slib:error 'printf "wrong number of arguments" (length args) format-string)) (define (out* strs) (if (string? strs) (out strs) (let out-loop ((strs strs)) (or (null? strs) (and (out (car strs)) (out-loop (cdr strs))))))) (let loop ((args args)) (advance) (cond ((end-of-format?) ;;(or (null? args) (wna)) ;Extra arguments are *not* a bug. ) ((eqv? #\\ fc);;Emulating C strings may not be a good idea. (must-advance) (and (case fc ((#\n #\N) (out #\newline)) ((#\t #\T) (out slib:tab)) ;;((#\r #\R) (out #\return)) ((#\f #\F) (out slib:form-feed)) ((#\newline) #t) (else (out fc))) (loop args))) ((eqv? #\% fc) (must-advance) (let ((left-adjust #f) ;- (signed #f) ;+ (blank #f) (alternate-form #f) ;# (leading-0s #f) ;0 (width 0) (precision -1) (type-modifier #f) (read-format-number (lambda () (cond ((eqv? #\* fc) ; GNU extension (must-advance) (let ((ans (car args))) (set! args (cdr args)) ans)) (else (do ((c fc fc) (accum 0 (+ (* accum 10) (string->number (string c))))) ((not (char-numeric? fc)) accum) (must-advance))))))) (define (pad pre . strs) (let loop ((len (string-length pre)) (ss strs)) (cond ((>= len width) (cons pre strs)) ((null? ss) (cond (left-adjust (cons pre (append strs (list (make-string (- width len) #\space))))) (leading-0s (cons pre (cons (make-string (- width len) #\0) strs))) (else (cons (make-string (- width len) #\space) (cons pre strs))))) (else (loop (+ len (string-length (car ss))) (cdr ss)))))) (define integer-convert (lambda (s radix fixcase) (cond ((not (negative? precision)) (set! leading-0s #f) (if (and (zero? precision) (eqv? 0 s)) (set! s "")))) (set! s (cond ((symbol? s) (symbol->string s)) ((number? s) (number->string s radix)) ((or (not s) (null? s)) "0") ((string? s) s) (else "1"))) (if fixcase (set! s (fixcase s))) (let ((pre (cond ((equal? "" s) "") ((eqv? #\- (string-ref s 0)) (set! s (substring s 1 (string-length s))) "-") (signed "+") (blank " ") (alternate-form (case radix ((8) "0") ((16) "0x") (else ""))) (else "")))) (pad pre (if (< (string-length s) precision) (make-string (- precision (string-length s)) #\0) "") s)))) (define (float-convert num fc) (define (f digs exp strip-0s) (let ((digs (stdio:round-string digs (+ exp precision) (and strip-0s exp)))) (cond ((>= exp 0) (let* ((i0 (cond ((zero? exp) 0) ((char=? #\0 (string-ref digs 0)) 1) (else 0))) (i1 (max 1 (+ 1 exp))) (idigs (substring digs i0 i1)) (fdigs (substring digs i1 (string-length digs)))) (cons idigs (if (and (string=? fdigs "") (not alternate-form)) '() (list "." fdigs))))) ((zero? precision) (list (if alternate-form "0." "0"))) ((and strip-0s (string=? digs "") (list "0"))) (else (list "0." (make-string (min precision (- -1 exp)) #\0) digs))))) (define (e digs exp strip-0s) (let* ((digs (stdio:round-string digs (+ 1 precision) (and strip-0s 0))) (istrt (if (char=? #\0 (string-ref digs 0)) 1 0)) (fdigs (substring digs (+ 1 istrt) (string-length digs))) (exp (if (zero? istrt) exp (- exp 1)))) (list (substring digs istrt (+ 1 istrt)) (if (and (string=? fdigs "") (not alternate-form)) "" ".") fdigs (if (char-upper-case? fc) "E" "e") (if (negative? exp) "-" "+") (if (< -10 exp 10) "0" "") (number->string (abs exp))))) (define (g digs exp) (let ((strip-0s (not alternate-form))) (set! alternate-form #f) (cond ((<= (- 1 precision) exp precision) (set! precision (- precision exp)) (f digs exp strip-0s)) (else (set! precision (- precision 1)) (e digs exp strip-0s))))) (define (k digs exp sep) (let* ((units '#("y" "z" "a" "f" "p" "n" "u" "m" "" "k" "M" "G" "T" "P" "E" "Z" "Y")) (base 8) ;index of "" (uind (let ((i (if (negative? exp) (quotient (- exp 3) 3) (quotient (- exp 1) 3)))) (and (< -1 (+ i base) (vector-length units)) i)))) (cond (uind (set! exp (- exp (* 3 uind))) (set! precision (max 0 (- precision exp))) (append (f digs exp #f) (list sep (vector-ref units (+ uind base))))) (else (g digs exp))))) (cond ((negative? precision) (set! precision 6)) ((and (zero? precision) (char-ci=? fc #\g)) (set! precision 1))) (let* ((str (cond ((number? num) (number->string (exact->inexact num))) ((string? num) num) ((symbol? num) (symbol->string num)) (else "???")))) (define (format-real signed? sgn digs exp . rest) (if (null? rest) (cons (if (char=? #\- sgn) "-" (if signed? "+" (if blank " " ""))) (case fc ((#\e #\E) (e digs exp #f)) ((#\f #\F) (f digs exp #f)) ((#\g #\G) (g digs exp)) ((#\k) (k digs exp "")) ((#\K) (k digs exp ".")))) (append (format-real signed? sgn digs exp) (apply format-real #t rest) '("i")))) (or (stdio:parse-float str (lambda (sgn digs expon . imag) (apply pad (apply format-real signed sgn digs expon imag)))) (pad "???")))) (do () ((case fc ((#\-) (set! left-adjust #t) #f) ((#\+) (set! signed #t) #f) ((#\space) (set! blank #t) #f) ((#\#) (set! alternate-form #t) #f) ((#\0) (set! leading-0s #t) #f) (else #t))) (must-advance)) (cond (left-adjust (set! leading-0s #f))) (cond (signed (set! blank #f))) (set! width (read-format-number)) (cond ((negative? width) (set! left-adjust #t) (set! width (- width)))) (cond ((eqv? #\. fc) (must-advance) (set! precision (read-format-number)))) (case fc ;Ignore these specifiers ((#\l #\L #\h) (set! type-modifier fc) (must-advance))) ;;At this point fc completely determines the format to use. (if (null? args) (if (memv (char-downcase fc) '(#\c #\s #\a #\d #\i #\u #\o #\x #\b #\f #\e #\g #\k)) (wna))) (case fc ;; only - is allowed between % and c ((#\c #\C) ; C is enhancement (and (out (string (car args))) (loop (cdr args)))) ;; only - flag, no type-modifiers ((#\s #\S) ; S is enhancement (let ((s (cond ((symbol? (car args)) (symbol->string (car args))) ((not (car args)) "(NULL)") (else (car args))))) (cond ((not (or (negative? precision) (>= precision (string-length s)))) (set! s (substring s 0 precision)))) (and (out* (cond ((<= width (string-length s)) s) (left-adjust (list s (make-string (- width (string-length s)) #\space))) (else (list (make-string (- width (string-length s)) (if leading-0s #\0 #\space)) s)))) (loop (cdr args))))) ;; SLIB extension ((#\a #\A) ;#\a #\A are pretty-print (let ((os "") (pr precision)) (require 'generic-write) (generic-write (car args) (not alternate-form) #f (cond ((and left-adjust (negative? pr)) (set! pr 0) (lambda (s) (set! pr (+ pr (string-length s))) (out s))) (left-adjust (lambda (s) (define sl (- pr (string-length s))) (set! pr (cond ((negative? sl) (out (substring s 0 pr)) 0) (else (out s) sl))) (positive? sl))) ((negative? pr) (set! pr width) (lambda (s) (set! pr (- pr (string-length s))) (cond ((not os) (out s)) ((negative? pr) (out os) (set! os #f) (out s)) (else (set! os (string-append os s)))) #t)) (else (lambda (s) (define sl (- pr (string-length s))) (cond ((negative? sl) (set! os (string-append os (substring s 0 pr)))) (else (set! os (string-append os s)))) (set! pr sl) (positive? sl))))) (cond ((and left-adjust (negative? precision)) (cond ((> width pr) (out (make-string (- width pr) #\space))))) (left-adjust (cond ((> width (- precision pr)) (out (make-string (- width (- precision pr)) #\space))))) ((not os)) ((<= width (string-length os)) (out os)) (else (and (out (make-string (- width (string-length os)) #\space)) (out os))))) (loop (cdr args))) ((#\d #\D #\i #\I #\u #\U) (and (out* (integer-convert (car args) 10 #f)) (loop (cdr args)))) ((#\o #\O) (and (out* (integer-convert (car args) 8 #f)) (loop (cdr args)))) ((#\x) (and (out* (integer-convert (car args) 16 (if stdio:hex-upper-case? string-downcase #f))) (loop (cdr args)))) ((#\X) (and (out* (integer-convert (car args) 16 (if stdio:hex-upper-case? #f string-upcase))) (loop (cdr args)))) ((#\b #\B) (and (out* (integer-convert (car args) 2 #f)) (loop (cdr args)))) ((#\%) (and (out #\%) (loop args))) ((#\f #\F #\e #\E #\g #\G #\k #\K) (and (out* (float-convert (car args) fc)) (loop (cdr args)))) (else (cond ((end-of-format?) (incomplete)) (else (and (out #\%) (out fc) (out #\?) (loop args)))))))) (else (and (out fc) (loop args))))))))) ;@ (define (fprintf port format . args) (let ((cnt 0)) (apply stdio:iprintf (lambda (x) (cond ((string? x) (set! cnt (+ (string-length x) cnt)) (display x port) #t) (else (set! cnt (+ 1 cnt)) (display x port) #t))) format args) cnt)) ;@ (define (printf format . args) (apply stdio:fprintf (current-output-port) format args)) ;@ (define (sprintf str format . args) (let* ((cnt 0) (s (cond ((string? str) str) ((number? str) (make-string str)) ((not str) (make-string 100)) (else (slib:error 'sprintf "first argument not understood" str)))) (end (string-length s))) (apply stdio:iprintf (lambda (x) (cond ((string? x) (if (or str (>= (- end cnt) (string-length x))) (do ((lend (min (string-length x) (- end cnt))) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i lend)) (string-set! s cnt (string-ref x i)) (set! cnt (+ cnt 1))) (let () (set! s (string-append (substring s 0 cnt) x)) (set! cnt (string-length s)) (set! end cnt)))) ((and str (>= cnt end))) (else (cond ((and (not str) (>= cnt end)) (set! s (string-append s (make-string 100))) (set! end (string-length s)))) (string-set! s cnt (if (char? x) x #\?)) (set! cnt (+ cnt 1)))) (not (and str (>= cnt end)))) format args) (cond ((string? str) cnt) ((eqv? end cnt) s) (else (substring s 0 cnt))))) (define stdio:fprintf fprintf) ;;(do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))) ((> i 50)) (printf "%s\\n" (sprintf i "%#-13a:%#13a:%-13.8a:" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789")))