;"mklibcat.scm" Build catalog for SLIB ;Copyright (C) 1997 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it ;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ;understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. (call-with-output-file (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "slibcat") (lambda (op) (display ";\"slibcat\" SLIB catalog for " op) (display (scheme-implementation-type) op) (display (scheme-implementation-version) op) (display ". -*-scheme-*-" op) (newline op) (display ";" op) (newline op) (display "; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -- it is automagically generated" op) (newline op) (newline op) (display "(" op) (newline op) (for-each (lambda (asp) (display " " op) (write asp op) (newline op)) (append (list (cons 'schelog (in-vicinity (sub-vicinity (library-vicinity) "schelog") "schelog")) (cons 'portable-scheme-debugger (in-vicinity (sub-vicinity (library-vicinity) "psd") "psd-slib"))) (map (lambda (p) (if (symbol? (cdr p)) p (cons (car p) (if (pair? (cdr p)) (cons (cadr p) (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) (cddr p))) (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) (cdr p)))))) '( (rev4-optional-procedures . "sc4opt") (rev2-procedures . "sc2") (multiarg/and- . "mularg") (multiarg-apply . "mulapply") (rationalize . "ratize") (transcript . "trnscrpt") (with-file . "withfile") (dynamic-wind . "dynwind") (dynamic . "dynamic") (fluid-let macro . "fluidlet") (alist . "alist") (hash . "hash") (sierpinski . "sierpinski") (soundex . "soundex") (hash-table . "hashtab") (logical . "logical") (random . "random") (random-inexact . "randinex") (modular . "modular") (primes . "primes") (factor . "factor") (charplot . "charplot") (sort . "sort") (tsort . topological-sort) (topological-sort . "tsort") (common-list-functions . "comlist") (tree . "tree") (format . "format") (generic-write . "genwrite") (pretty-print . "pp") (pprint-file . "ppfile") (object->string . "obj2str") (string-case . "strcase") (stdio . "stdio") (printf . "printf") (scanf . "scanf") (line-i/o . "lineio") (string-port . "strport") (getopt . "getopt") (debug . "debug") (qp . "qp") (break defmacro . "break") (trace defmacro . "trace") (eval . "eval") (record . "record") (promise . "promise") (synchk . "synchk") (defmacroexpand . "defmacex") (macro-by-example defmacro . "mbe") (syntax-case . "scainit") (syntactic-closures . "scmacro") (macros-that-work . "macwork") (macro . macro-by-example) (yasos macro . "yasos") (oop . yasos) (collect macro . "collect") (struct defmacro . "struct") (structure syntax-case . "structure") (values . "values") (queue . "queue") (priority-queue . "priorque") (array . "array") (array-for-each . "arraymap") (repl . "repl") (process . "process") (chapter-order . "chap") (posix-time . "psxtime") (common-lisp-time . "cltime") (time-zone . "timezone") (relational-database . "rdms") (database-utilities . "dbutil") (database-browse . "dbrowse") (html-form . "htmlform") (alist-table . "alistab") (parameters . "paramlst") (getopt-parameters . "getparam") (read-command . "comparse") (batch . "batch") (glob . "glob") (filename . glob) (make-crc . "makcrc") (wt-tree . "wttree") (string-search . "strsrch") (root . "root") (precedence-parse . "prec") (parse . precedence-parse) (commutative-ring . "cring") (self-set . "selfset") (determinant . "determ") (byte . "byte") (tzfile . "tzfile") (schmooz . "schmooz") (new-catalog . "mklibcat") )))) (display " " op) (let* ((req (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) (string-append "require" (scheme-file-suffix))))) (write (cons '*SLIB-VERSION* (or (require:version req) *SLIB-VERSION*)) op)) (newline op) (display ")" op) (newline op) (let ((load-if-exists (lambda (path) (cond ((not (file-exists? path)) (set! path (string-append path (scheme-file-suffix))))) (cond ((file-exists? path) (slib:load-source path)))))) ;;(load-if-exists (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "mksitcat")) (load-if-exists (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "mkimpcat"))) (let ((catcat (lambda (vicinity name specificity) (let ((path (in-vicinity vicinity name))) (and (file-exists? path) (call-with-input-file path (lambda (ip) (newline op) (display "; " op) (write path op) (display " SLIB " op) (display specificity op) (display "-specific catalog additions" op) (newline op) (newline op) (do ((c (read-char ip) (read-char ip))) ((eof-object? c)) (write-char c op))))))))) (catcat (library-vicinity) "sitecat" "site") (catcat (implementation-vicinity) "implcat" "implementation") (catcat (implementation-vicinity) "sitecat" "site")) )) (set! *catalog* #f)