@code{(require 'eps-graph)} @noindent This is a graphing package creating encapsulated-PostScript files. Its motivations and design choice are described in @url{http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/Docupage/grapheps} @noindent A dataset to be plotted is taken from a 2-dimensional array. Corresponding coordinates are in rows. Coordinates from any pair of columns can be plotted. @defun create-postscript-graph filename.eps size elt1 @dots{} @var{filename.eps} should be a string naming an output file to be created. @var{size} should be an exact integer, a list of two exact integers, or #f. @var{elt1}, ... are values returned by graphing primitives described here. @code{create-postscript-graph} creates an @dfn{Encapsulated-PostScript} file named @var{filename.eps} containing @cindex Encapsulated-PostScript graphs as directed by the @var{elt1}, ... arguments. The size of the graph is determined by the @var{size} argument. If a list of two integers, they specify the width and height. If one integer, then that integer is the width and the height is 3/4 of the width. If #f, the graph will be 800 by 600. @end defun @noindent These graphing procedures should be called as arguments to @code{create-postscript-graph}. The order of these arguments is significant; PostScript graphics state is affected serially from the first @var{elt} argument to the last. @defun whole-page Pushes a rectangle for the whole encapsulated page onto the PostScript stack. This pushed rectangle is an implicit argument to @code{partition-page} or @code{setup-plot}. @end defun @menu * Column Ranges:: * Drawing the Graph:: * Graphics Context:: * Rectangles:: * Legending:: * Legacy Plotting:: * Example Graph:: @end menu @node Column Ranges, Drawing the Graph, PostScript Graphing, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Column Ranges @noindent A @dfn{range} is a list of two numbers, the minimum and the maximum. @cindex range @cindex range Ranges can be given explicity or computed in PostScript by @code{column-range}. @defun column-range array k Returns the range of values in 2-dimensional @var{array} column @var{k}. @end defun @defun pad-range range p Expands @var{range} by @var{p}/100 on each end. @end defun @defun snap-range range Expands @var{range} to round number of ticks. @end defun @defun combine-ranges range1 range2 @dots{} Returns the minimal range covering all @var{range1}, @var{range2}, ... @end defun @defun setup-plot x-range y-range pagerect @defunx setup-plot x-range y-range @var{x-range} and @var{y-range} should each be a list of two numbers or the value returned by @code{pad-range}, @code{snap-range}, or @code{combine-range}. @var{pagerect} is the rectangle bounding the graph to be drawn; if missing, the rectangle from the top of the PostScript stack is popped and used. Based on the given ranges, @code{setup-plot} sets up scaling and margins for making a graph. The margins are sized proportional to the @var{fontheight} value at the time of the call to setup-plot. @code{setup-plot} sets two variables: @table @var @item plotrect The region where data points will be plotted. @item graphrect The @var{pagerect} argument to @code{setup-plot}. Includes plotrect, legends, etc. @end table @end defun @node Drawing the Graph, Graphics Context, Column Ranges, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Drawing the Graph @defun plot-column array x-column y-column proc3s Plots points with x coordinate in @var{x-column} of @var{array} and y coordinate @var{y-column} of @var{array}. The symbol @var{proc3s} specifies the type of glyph or drawing style for presenting these coordinates. @end defun @noindent The glyphs and drawing styles available are: @table @code @item line Draws line connecting points in order. @item mountain Fill area below line connecting points. @item cloud Fill area above line connecting points. @item impulse Draw line from x-axis to each point. @item bargraph Draw rectangle from x-axis to each point. @item disc Solid round dot. @item point Minimal point -- invisible if linewidth is 0. @item square Square box. @item diamond Square box at 45.o @item plus Plus sign. @item cross X sign. @item triup Triangle pointing upward @item tridown Triangle pointing downward @item pentagon Five sided polygon @item circle Hollow circle @end table @node Graphics Context, Rectangles, Drawing the Graph, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Graphics Context @defun in-graphic-context arg @dots{} Saves the current graphics state, executes @var{args}, then restores to saved graphics state. @end defun @defun set-color color @var{color} should be a string naming a Resene color, a saturate color, or a number between 0 and 100. @code{set-color} sets the PostScript color to the color of the given string, or a grey value between black (0) and white (100). @end defun @defun set-font name fontheight @var{name} should be a (case-sensitive) string naming a PostScript font. @var{fontheight} should be a positive real number. @code{set-font} Changes the current PostScript font to @var{name} with height equal to @var{fontheight}. The default font is Helvetica (12pt). @end defun @noindent The base set of PostScript fonts is: @multitable @columnfractions .20 .25 .25 .30 @item Times @tab Times-Italic @tab Times-Bold @tab Times-BoldItalic @item Helvetica @tab Helvetica-Oblique @tab Helvetica-Bold @tab Helvetica-BoldOblique @item Courier @tab Courier-Oblique @tab Courier-Bold @tab Courier-BoldOblique @item Symbol @end multitable @noindent Line parameters do no affect fonts; they do effect glyphs. @defun set-linewidth w The default linewidth is 1. Setting it to 0 makes the lines drawn as skinny as possible. Linewidth must be much smaller than glyphsize for readable glyphs. @end defun @defun set-linedash j k Lines are drawn @var{j}-on @var{k}-off. @defunx set-linedash j Lines are drawn @var{j}-on @var{j}-off. @defunx set-linedash Turns off dashing. @end defun @defun set-glyphsize w Sets the (PostScript) variable glyphsize to @var{w}. The default glyphsize is 6. @end defun @noindent The effects of @code{clip-to-rect} are also part of the graphic context. @node Rectangles, Legending, Graphics Context, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Rectangles @noindent A @dfn{rectangle} is a list of 4 numbers; the first two elements are @cindex rectangle the x and y coordinates of lower left corner of the rectangle. The other two elements are the width and height of the rectangle. @defun whole-page Pushes a rectangle for the whole encapsulated page onto the PostScript stack. This pushed rectangle is an implicit argument to @code{partition-page} or @code{setup-plot}. @end defun @defun partition-page xparts yparts Pops the rectangle currently on top of the stack and pushes @var{xparts} * @var{yparts} sub-rectangles onto the stack in decreasing y and increasing x order. If you are drawing just one graph, then you don't need @code{partition-page}. @end defun @defvar plotrect The rectangle where data points should be plotted. @var{plotrect} is set by @code{setup-plot}. @end defvar @defvar graphrect The @var{pagerect} argument of the most recent call to @code{setup-plot}. Includes plotrect, legends, etc. @end defvar @defun fill-rect rect fills @var{rect} with the current color. @end defun @defun outline-rect rect Draws the perimiter of @var{rect} in the current color. @end defun @defun clip-to-rect rect Modifies the current graphics-state so that nothing will be drawn outside of the rectangle @var{rect}. Use @code{in-graphic-context} to limit the extent of @code{clip-to-rect}. @end defun @node Legending, Legacy Plotting, Rectangles, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Legending @defun title-top title subtitle @defunx title-top title Puts a @var{title} line and an optional @var{subtitle} line above the @code{graphrect}. @end defun @defun title-bottom title subtitle @defunx title-bottom title Puts a @var{title} line and an optional @var{subtitle} line below the @code{graphrect}. @end defun @defvar topedge @defvarx bottomedge These edge coordinates of @code{graphrect} are suitable for passing as the first argument to @code{rule-horizontal}. @end defvar @defvar leftedge @defvarx rightedge These edge coordinates of @code{graphrect} are suitable for passing as the first argument to @code{rule-vertical}. @end defvar @defun set-margin-templates left right The margin-templates are strings whose displayed width is used to reserve space for the left and right side numerical legends. The default values are "-.0123456789". @end defun @defun rule-vertical x-coord text tick-width Draws a vertical ruler with X coordinate @var{x-coord} and labeled with string @var{text}. If @var{tick-width} is positive, then the ticks are @var{tick-width} long on the right side of @var{x-coord}; and @var{text} and numeric legends are on the left. If @var{tick-width} is negative, then the ticks are -@var{tick-width} long on the left side of @var{x-coord}; and @var{text} and numeric legends are on the right. @end defun @defun rule-horizontal x-coord text tick-height Draws a horizontal ruler with X coordinate @var{x-coord} and labeled with string @var{text}. If @var{tick-height} is positive, then the ticks are @var{tick-height} long on the right side of @var{x-coord}; and @var{text} and numeric legends are on the left. If @var{tick-height} is negative, then the ticks are -@var{tick-height} long on the left side of @var{x-coord}; and @var{text} and numeric legends are on the right. @end defun @defun y-axis Draws the y-axis. @end defun @defun x-axis Draws the x-axis. @end defun @defun grid-verticals Draws vertical lines through @code{graphrect} at each tick on the vertical ruler. @end defun @defun grid-horizontals Draws horizontal lines through @code{graphrect} at each tick on the horizontal ruler. @end defun @node Legacy Plotting, Example Graph, Legending, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Legacy Plotting @defvar graph:dimensions A list of the width and height of the graph to be plotted using @code{plot}. @end defvar @defun plot func x1 x2 npts @defunx plot func x1 x2 Creates and displays using @code{(system "gv tmp.eps")} an encapsulated PostScript graph of the function of one argument @var{func} over the range @var{x1} to @var{x2}. If the optional integer argument @var{npts} is supplied, it specifies the number of points to evaluate @var{func} at. @defunx plot coords x-label y-label @var{coords} is a list or vector of coordinates, lists of x and y coordinates. @var{x-label} and @var{y-label} are strings with which to label the x and y axes. @end defun @node Example Graph, , Legacy Plotting, PostScript Graphing @subsubsection Example Graph @noindent The file @file{am1.5.html}, a table of solar irradiance, is fetched with @samp{wget} if it isn't already in the working directory. The file is read and stored into an array, @var{irradiance}. @code{create-postscript-graph} is then called to create an encapsulated-PostScript file, @file{solarad.eps}. The size of the page is set to 600 by 300. @code{whole-page} is called and leaves the rectangle on the PostScript stack. @code{setup-plot} is called with a literal range for x and computes the range for column 1. Two calls to @code{top-title} are made so a different font can be used for the lower half. @code{in-graphic-context} is used to limit the scope of the font change. The graphing area is outlined and a rule drawn on the left side. Because the X range was intentionally reduced, @code{in-graphic-context} is called and @code{clip-to-rect} limits drawing to the plotting area. A black line is drawn from data column 1. That line is then overlayed with a mountain plot of the same column colored "Bright Sun". After returning from the @code{in-graphic-context}, the bottom ruler is drawn. Had it been drawn earlier, all its ticks would have been painted over by the mountain plot. The color is then changed to @samp{seagreen} and the same graphrect is setup again, this time with a different Y scale, 0 to 1000. The graphic context is again clipped to @var{plotrect}, linedash is set, and column 2 is plotted as a dashed line. Finally the rightedge is ruled. Having the line and its scale both in green helps disambiguate the scales. @example (require 'eps-graph) (require 'line-i/o) (require 'string-port) (define irradiance (let ((url "http://www.pv.unsw.edu.au/am1.5.html") (file "am1.5.html")) (define (read->list line) (define elts '()) (call-with-input-string line (lambda (iprt) (do ((elt (read iprt) (read iprt))) ((eof-object? elt) elts) (set! elts (cons elt elts)))))) (if (not (file-exists? file)) (system (string-append "wget -c -O" file " " url))) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (iprt) (define lines '()) (do ((line (read-line iprt) (read-line iprt))) ((eof-object? line) (let ((nra (make-array (A:floR64b) (length lines) (length (car lines))))) (do ((lns lines (cdr lns)) (idx (+ -1 (length lines)) (+ -1 idx))) ((null? lns) nra) (do ((kdx (+ -1 (length (car lines))) (+ -1 kdx)) (lst (car lns) (cdr lst))) ((null? lst)) (array-set! nra (car lst) idx kdx))))) (if (and (positive? (string-length line)) (char-numeric? (string-ref line 0))) (set! lines (cons (read->list line) lines)))))))) (let ((xrange '(.25 2.5))) (create-postscript-graph "solarad.eps" '(600 300) (whole-page) (setup-plot xrange (column-range irradiance 1)) (title-top "Solar Irradiance http://www.pv.unsw.edu.au/am1.5.html") (in-graphic-context (set-font "Helvetica-Oblique" 12) (title-top "" "Key Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering UNSW - Air Mass 1.5 Global Spectrum")) (outline-rect plotrect) (rule-vertical leftedge "W/(m^2.um)" 10) (in-graphic-context (clip-to-rect plotrect) (plot-column irradiance 0 1 'line) (set-color "Bright Sun") (plot-column irradiance 0 1 'mountain) ) (rule-horizontal bottomedge "Wavelength in .um" 5) (set-color 'seagreen) (setup-plot xrange '(0 1000) graphrect) (in-graphic-context (clip-to-rect plotrect) (set-linedash 5 2) (plot-column irradiance 0 2 'line)) (rule-vertical rightedge "Integrated .W/(m^2)" -10) )) (system "gv solarad.eps") @end example