;;; "getopt.scm" POSIX command argument processing ;Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it ;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ;understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. (define getopt:scan #f) (define getopt:char #\-) (define getopt:opt #f) (define *optind* 1) (define *optarg* 0) (define (getopt argc argv optstring) (let ((opts (string->list optstring)) (place #f) (arg #f) (argref (lambda () ((if (vector? argv) vector-ref list-ref) argv *optind*)))) (and (cond ((and getopt:scan (not (string=? "" getopt:scan))) #t) ((>= *optind* argc) #f) (else (set! arg (argref)) (cond ((or (<= (string-length arg) 1) (not (char=? (string-ref arg 0) getopt:char))) #f) ((and (= (string-length arg) 2) (char=? (string-ref arg 1) getopt:char)) (set! *optind* (+ *optind* 1)) #f) (else (set! getopt:scan (substring arg 1 (string-length arg))) #t)))) (begin (set! getopt:opt (string-ref getopt:scan 0)) (set! getopt:scan (substring getopt:scan 1 (string-length getopt:scan))) (if (string=? "" getopt:scan) (set! *optind* (+ *optind* 1))) (set! place (member getopt:opt opts)) (cond ((not place) #\?) ((or (null? (cdr place)) (not (char=? #\: (cadr place)))) getopt:opt) ((not (string=? "" getopt:scan)) (set! *optarg* getopt:scan) (set! *optind* (+ *optind* 1)) (set! getopt:scan #f) getopt:opt) ((< *optind* argc) (set! *optarg* (argref)) (set! *optind* (+ *optind* 1)) getopt:opt) ((and (not (null? opts)) (char=? #\: (car opts))) #\:) (else #\?)))))) (define (getopt-- argc argv optstring) (let* ((opt (getopt argc argv (string-append optstring "-:"))) (optarg *optarg*)) (cond ((eqv? #\- opt) ;long option (do ((l (string-length *optarg*)) (i 0 (+ 1 i))) ((or (>= i l) (char=? #\= (string-ref optarg i))) (cond ((>= i l) (set! *optarg* #f) optarg) (else (set! *optarg* (substring optarg (+ 1 i) l)) (substring optarg 0 i)))))) (else opt))))