;;;"defmacex.scm" defmacro:expand* for any Scheme dialect. ;;;Copyright 1993-1994 Dorai Sitaram and Aubrey Jaffer. ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. ;;;expand thoroughly, not just topmost expression. While expanding ;;;subexpressions, the primitive forms quote, lambda, set!, let/*/rec, ;;;cond, case, do, quasiquote: need to be destructured properly. (if, ;;;and, or, begin: don't need special treatment.) (define (defmacro:iqq e depth) (letrec ((map1 (lambda (f x) (if (pair? x) (cons (f (car x)) (map1 f (cdr x))) x))) (iqq (lambda (e depth) (if (pair? e) (case (car e) ((quasiquote) (list (car e) (iqq (cadr e) (+ 1 depth)))) ((unquote unquote-splicing) (list (car e) (if (= 1 depth) (defmacro:expand* (cadr e)) (iqq (cadr e) (+ -1 depth))))) (else (map1 (lambda (e) (iqq e depth)) e))) e)))) (iqq e depth))) (define (defmacro:expand* e) (if (pair? e) (let* ((c (macroexpand-1 e))) (if (not (eq? e c)) (defmacro:expand* c) (case (car e) ((quote) e) ((quasiquote) (defmacro:iqq e 0)) ((lambda define set!) (cons (car e) (cons (cadr e) (map defmacro:expand* (cddr e))))) ((let) (let ((b (cadr e))) (if (symbol? b) ;named let `(let ,b ,(map (lambda (vv) `(,(car vv) ,(defmacro:expand* (cadr vv)))) (caddr e)) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cdddr e))) `(let ,(map (lambda (vv) `(,(car vv) ,(defmacro:expand* (cadr vv)))) b) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cddr e)))))) ((let* letrec) `(,(car e) ,(map (lambda (vv) `(,(car vv) ,(defmacro:expand* (cadr vv)))) (cadr e)) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cddr e)))) ((cond) `(cond ,@(map (lambda (c) (map defmacro:expand* c)) (cdr e)))) ((case) `(case ,(defmacro:expand* (cadr e)) ,@(map (lambda (c) `(,(car c) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cdr c)))) (cddr e)))) ((do) `(do ,(map (lambda (initsteps) `(,(car initsteps) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cdr initsteps)))) (cadr e)) ,(map defmacro:expand* (caddr e)) ,@(map defmacro:expand* (cdddr e)))) ((defmacro) (cons (car e) (cons (cadr e) (cons (caddr e) (map defmacro:expand* (cdddr e)))))) (else (map defmacro:expand* e))))) e))