;;;;"cvs.scm" enumerate files under CVS control. ;;; Copyright 2002 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. (require 'scanf) (require 'line-i/o) (require 'string-search) ;;@body Returns a list of the local pathnames (with prefix @1) of all ;;CVS controlled files in @1 and in @1's subdirectories. (define (cvs-files directory/) (cvs:entries directory/ #t)) ;;@body Returns a list of all of @1 and all @1's CVS controlled ;;subdirectories. (define (cvs-directories directory/) (and (file-exists? (in-vicinity directory/ "CVS/Entries")) (cons directory/ (cvs:entries directory/ #f)))) (define (cvs:entries directory do-files?) (define files '()) (define cvse (in-vicinity directory "CVS/Entries")) (define cvsel (in-vicinity directory "CVS/Entries.Log")) (set! directory (substring directory (if (eqv? 0 (substring? "./" directory)) 2 0) (string-length directory))) (if (file-exists? cvse) (call-with-input-file cvse (lambda (port) (do ((line (read-line port) (read-line port))) ((eof-object? line)) (let ((fname #f)) (cond ((eqv? 1 (sscanf line "/%[^/]" fname)) (and do-files? (set! files (cons (in-vicinity directory fname) files)))) ((eqv? 1 (sscanf line "D/%[^/]" fname)) (set! files (append (cvs:entries (sub-vicinity directory fname) do-files?) (if do-files? '() (list (sub-vicinity directory fname))) files)))))))) (slib:warn 'cvs:entries 'missing cvse)) (set! files (reverse files)) (if (file-exists? cvsel) (call-with-input-file cvsel (lambda (port) (do ((line (read-line port) (read-line port))) ((eof-object? line) files) (let ((fname #f)) (cond ((eqv? 1 (sscanf line "A D/%[^/]/" fname)) (set! files (append files (if do-files? '() (list (sub-vicinity directory fname))) (cvs:entries (sub-vicinity directory fname) do-files?))))))))) files)) ;;@body Returns the (string) contents of @var{path/}CVS/Root; ;;or @code{(getenv "CVSROOT")} if Root doesn't exist. (define (cvs-root path/) (if (not (vicinity:suffix? (string-ref path/ (+ -1 (string-length path/))))) (slib:error 'missing 'vicinity-suffix path/)) (let ((rootpath (string-append path/ "CVS/Root"))) (if (file-exists? rootpath) (call-with-input-file rootpath read-line) (getenv "CVSROOT")))) ;;@body Returns the (string) contents of @var{directory/}CVS/Root appended ;;with @var{directory/}CVS/Repository; or #f if @var{directory/}CVS/Repository ;;doesn't exist. (define (cvs-repository directory/) (let ((root (cvs-root directory/)) (repath (in-vicinity (sub-vicinity directory/ "CVS/") "Repository"))) (define root/idx (substring? "/" root)) (define rootlen (string-length root)) (and root/idx (file-exists? repath) (let ((repos (call-with-input-file repath read-line))) (define replen (and (string? repos) (string-length repos))) (cond ((not (and replen (< 1 replen))) #f) ((not (char=? #\/ (string-ref repos 0))) (string-append root "/" repos)) ((eqv? 0 (substring? (substring root root/idx rootlen) repos)) (string-append root (substring repos (- rootlen root/idx) replen))) (else (slib:error 'mismatched root repos))))))) ;;@body ;;Writes @1 to file CVS/Root of @2 and all its subdirectories. (define (cvs-set-root! new-root directory/) (define root (cvs-root directory/)) (define repos (cvs-repository directory/)) (if (not repos) (slib:error 'not 'cvs directory/)) (if (not (eqv? 0 (substring? root repos))) (slib:error 'bad 'cvs root repos)) (call-with-output-file (in-vicinity (sub-vicinity directory/ "CVS") "Root") (lambda (port) (write-line new-root port))) (call-with-output-file (in-vicinity (sub-vicinity directory/ "CVS") "Repository") (lambda (port) (write-line (substring repos (+ 1 (string-length root)) (string-length repos)) port)))) ;;@body ;;Signals an error if CVS/Repository or CVS/Root files in @1 or any ;;subdirectory do not match. (define (cvs-vet directory/) (define diroot (cvs-root directory/)) (for-each (lambda (path/) (define path/CVS (sub-vicinity path/ "CVS/")) (cond ((not (cvs-repository path/)) (slib:error 'bad (in-vicinity path/CVS "Repository"))) ((not (equal? diroot (cvs-root path/))) (slib:error 'mismatched 'root (in-vicinity path/CVS "Root"))))) (or (cvs-directories directory/) (slib:error 'not 'cvs directory/)))) ;;(define cvs-rsh (or (getenv "CVS_RSH") "rsh"))