;;; "comparse.scm" Break command line into arguments. ;Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 2003 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. ;;;; This is a simple command-line reader. It could be made fancier ;;; to handle lots of `shell' syntaxes. ;;; Albert L. Ting points out that a similar process can be used for ;;; reading files of options -- therefore READ-OPTIONS-FILE. (require 'string-port) ;;@code{(require 'read-command)} ;;@ftindex read-command (define (read-command-from-port port nl-term?) (define argv '()) (define obj "") (define chars '()) (define readc (lambda () (read-char port))) (define peekc (lambda () (peek-char port))) (define s-expression (lambda () (splice-arg (call-with-output-string (lambda (p) (display (slib:eval (read port)) p)))))) (define backslash (lambda (goto) (readc) (let ((c (readc))) (cond ((eqv? #\newline c) (goto (peekc))) ((and (char-whitespace? c) (eqv? #\newline (peekc)) (eqv? 13 (char->integer c))) (readc) (goto (peekc))) (else (set! chars (cons c chars)) (build-token (peekc))))))) (define loop (lambda (c) (case c ((#\\) (backslash loop)) ((#\") (splice-arg (read port))) ((#\( #\') (s-expression)) ((#\#) (do ((c (readc) (readc))) ((or (eof-object? c) (eqv? #\newline c)) (if nl-term? c (loop (peekc)))))) ((#\;) (readc)) ((#\newline) (readc) (and (not nl-term?) (loop (peekc)))) (else (cond ((eof-object? c) c) ((char-whitespace? c) (readc) (loop (peekc))) (else (build-token c))))))) (define splice-arg (lambda (arg) (set! obj (string-append obj (list->string (reverse chars)) arg)) (set! chars '()) (build-token (peekc)))) (define buildit (lambda () (readc) (set! argv (cons (string-append obj (list->string (reverse chars))) argv)))) (define build-token (lambda (c) (case c ((#\") (splice-arg (read port))) ((#\() (s-expression)) ((#\\) (backslash build-token)) ((#\;) (buildit)) (else (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (char-whitespace? c)) (buildit) (cond ((not (and nl-term? (eqv? c #\newline))) (set! obj "") (set! chars '()) (loop (peekc))))) (else (set! chars (cons (readc) chars)) (build-token (peekc)))))))) (let ((c (loop (peekc)))) (cond ((and (null? argv) (eof-object? c)) c) (else (reverse argv))))) ;;@args port ;;@args ;;@code{read-command} converts a @dfn{command line} into a list of strings ;;@cindex command line ;;suitable for parsing by @code{getopt}. The syntax of command lines ;;supported resembles that of popular @dfn{shell}s. @code{read-command} ;;updates @var{port} to point to the first character past the command ;;delimiter. ;; ;;If an end of file is encountered in the input before any characters are ;;found that can begin an object or comment, then an end of file object is ;;returned. ;; ;;The @var{port} argument may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the ;;value returned by @code{current-input-port}. ;; ;;The fields into which the command line is split are delimited by ;;whitespace as defined by @code{char-whitespace?}. The end of a command ;;is delimited by end-of-file or unescaped semicolon (@key{;}) or ;;@key{newline}. Any character can be literally included in a field by ;;escaping it with a backslach (@key{\}). ;; ;;The initial character and types of fields recognized are: ;;@table @asis ;;@item @samp{\} ;;The next character has is taken literally and not interpreted as a field ;;delimiter. If @key{\} is the last character before a @key{newline}, ;;that @key{newline} is just ignored. Processing continues from the ;;characters after the @key{newline} as though the backslash and ;;@key{newline} were not there. ;;@item @samp{"} ;;The characters up to the next unescaped @key{"} are taken literally, ;;according to [R4RS] rules for literal strings (@pxref{Strings, , ,r4rs, ;;Revised(4) Scheme}). ;;@item @samp{(}, @samp{%'} ;;One scheme expression is @code{read} starting with this character. The ;;@code{read} expression is evaluated, converted to a string ;;(using @code{display}), and replaces the expression in the returned ;;field. ;;@item @samp{;} ;;Semicolon delimits a command. Using semicolons more than one command ;;can appear on a line. Escaped semicolons and semicolons inside strings ;;do not delimit commands. ;;@end table ;; ;;@noindent ;;The comment field differs from the previous fields in that it must be ;;the first character of a command or appear after whitespace in order to ;;be recognized. @key{#} can be part of fields if these conditions are ;;not met. For instance, @code{ab#c} is just the field ab#c. ;; ;;@table @samp ;;@item # ;;Introduces a comment. The comment continues to the end of the line on ;;which the semicolon appears. Comments are treated as whitespace by ;;@code{read-dommand-line} and backslashes before @key{newline}s in ;;comments are also ignored. ;;@end table (define (read-command . port) (read-command-from-port (cond ((null? port) (current-input-port)) ((= 1 (length port)) (car port)) (else (slib:error 'read-command "Wrong Number of ARGs:" port))) #t)) ;;@body ;;@code{read-options-file} converts an @dfn{options file} into a list of ;;@cindex options file ;;strings suitable for parsing by @code{getopt}. The syntax of options ;;files is the same as the syntax for command ;;lines, except that @key{newline}s do not terminate reading (only @key{;} ;;or end of file). ;; ;;If an end of file is encountered before any characters are found that ;;can begin an object or comment, then an end of file object is returned. (define (read-options-file filename) (call-with-input-file filename (lambda (port) (read-command-from-port port #f))))