;;;;"array.scm" Arrays for Scheme ; Copyright (C) 1993 Alan Bawden ; ; Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it ; for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ; understandings. ; ; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ; in full. ; ; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to ; return to me any improvements or extensions that they make, so that ; these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform me of ; noteworthy uses of this software. ; ; 3. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ; this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ; 4. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material, ; there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, promotional, or ; sales literature without prior written consent in each case. ; ; Alan Bawden ; MIT Room NE43-510 ; 545 Tech. Sq. ; Cambridge, MA 02139 ; Alan@LCS.MIT.EDU (require 'record) ;(declare (usual-integrations)) (define array:rtd (make-record-type "Array" '(indexer ; Must be a -linear- function! shape ; Inclusive bounds: ((lower upper) ...) vector ; The actual contents ))) (define array:indexer (record-accessor array:rtd 'indexer)) (define array-shape (record-accessor array:rtd 'shape)) (define array:vector (record-accessor array:rtd 'vector)) (define array? (record-predicate array:rtd)) (define (array-rank obj) (if (array? obj) (length (array-shape obj)) 0)) (define (array-dimensions ra) (map (lambda (ind) (if (zero? (car ind)) (cadr ind) ind)) (array-shape ra))) (define array:construct (record-constructor array:rtd '(shape vector indexer))) (define (array:compute-shape specs) (map (lambda (spec) (cond ((and (integer? spec) (< 0 spec)) (list 0 (- spec 1))) ((and (pair? spec) (pair? (cdr spec)) (null? (cddr spec)) (integer? (car spec)) (integer? (cadr spec)) (<= (car spec) (cadr spec))) spec) (else (slib:error "array: Bad array dimension: " spec)))) specs)) (define (make-array initial-value . specs) (let ((shape (array:compute-shape specs))) (let loop ((size 1) (indexer (lambda () 0)) (l (reverse shape))) (if (null? l) (array:construct shape (make-vector size initial-value) (array:optimize-linear-function indexer shape)) (loop (* size (+ 1 (- (cadar l) (caar l)))) (lambda (first-index . rest-of-indices) (+ (* size (- first-index (caar l))) (apply indexer rest-of-indices))) (cdr l)))))) (define (make-shared-array array mapping . specs) (let ((new-shape (array:compute-shape specs)) (old-indexer (array:indexer array))) (let check ((indices '()) (bounds (reverse new-shape))) (cond ((null? bounds) (array:check-bounds array (apply mapping indices))) (else (check (cons (caar bounds) indices) (cdr bounds)) (check (cons (cadar bounds) indices) (cdr bounds))))) (array:construct new-shape (array:vector array) (array:optimize-linear-function (lambda indices (apply old-indexer (apply mapping indices))) new-shape)))) (define (array:in-bounds? array indices) (let loop ((indices indices) (shape (array-shape array))) (if (null? indices) (null? shape) (let ((index (car indices))) (and (not (null? shape)) (integer? index) (<= (caar shape) index (cadar shape)) (loop (cdr indices) (cdr shape))))))) (define (array:check-bounds array indices) (or (array:in-bounds? array indices) (slib:error "array: Bad indices for " array indices))) (define (array-ref array . indices) (array:check-bounds array indices) (vector-ref (array:vector array) (apply (array:indexer array) indices))) (define (array-set! array new-value . indices) (array:check-bounds array indices) (vector-set! (array:vector array) (apply (array:indexer array) indices) new-value)) (define (array-in-bounds? array . indices) (array:in-bounds? array indices)) ; Fast versions of ARRAY-REF and ARRAY-SET! that do no error checking, ; and don't cons intermediate lists of indices: (define (array-1d-ref a i0) (vector-ref (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0))) (define (array-2d-ref a i0 i1) (vector-ref (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0 i1))) (define (array-3d-ref a i0 i1 i2) (vector-ref (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0 i1 i2))) (define (array-1d-set! a v i0) (vector-set! (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0) v)) (define (array-2d-set! a v i0 i1) (vector-set! (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0 i1) v)) (define (array-3d-set! a v i0 i1 i2) (vector-set! (array:vector a) ((array:indexer a) i0 i1 i2) v)) ; STOP! Do not read beyond this point on your first reading of ; this code -- you should simply assume that the rest of this file ; contains only the following single definition: ; ; (define (array:optimize-linear-function f l) f) ; ; Of course everything would be pretty inefficient if this were really the ; case, but it isn't. The following code takes advantage of the fact that ; you can learn everything there is to know from a linear function by ; simply probing around in its domain and observing its values -- then a ; more efficient equivalent can be constructed. (define (array:optimize-linear-function f l) (let ((d (length l))) (cond ((= d 0) (array:0d-c (f))) ((= d 1) (let ((c (f 0))) (array:1d-c0 c (- (f 1) c)))) ((= d 2) (let ((c (f 0 0))) (array:2d-c01 c (- (f 1 0) c) (- (f 0 1) c)))) ((= d 3) (let ((c (f 0 0 0))) (array:3d-c012 c (- (f 1 0 0) c) (- (f 0 1 0) c) (- (f 0 0 1) c)))) (else (let* ((v (map (lambda (x) 0) l)) (c (apply f v))) (let loop ((p v) (old-val c) (coefs '())) (cond ((null? p) (array:Nd-c* c (reverse coefs))) (else (set-car! p 1) (let ((new-val (apply f v))) (loop (cdr p) new-val (cons (- new-val old-val) coefs))))))))))) ; 0D cases: (define (array:0d-c c) (lambda () c)) ; 1D cases: (define (array:1d-c c) (lambda (i0) (+ c i0))) (define (array:1d-0 n0) (cond ((= 1 n0) +) (else (lambda (i0) (* n0 i0))))) (define (array:1d-c0 c n0) (cond ((= 0 c) (array:1d-0 n0)) ((= 1 n0) (array:1d-c c)) (else (lambda (i0) (+ c (* n0 i0)))))) ; 2D cases: (define (array:2d-0 n0) (lambda (i0 i1) (+ (* n0 i0) i1))) (define (array:2d-1 n1) (lambda (i0 i1) (+ i0 (* n1 i1)))) (define (array:2d-c0 c n0) (lambda (i0 i1) (+ c (* n0 i0) i1))) (define (array:2d-c1 c n1) (lambda (i0 i1) (+ c i0 (* n1 i1)))) (define (array:2d-01 n0 n1) (cond ((= 1 n0) (array:2d-1 n1)) ((= 1 n1) (array:2d-0 n0)) (else (lambda (i0 i1) (+ (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1)))))) (define (array:2d-c01 c n0 n1) (cond ((= 0 c) (array:2d-01 n0 n1)) ((= 1 n0) (array:2d-c1 c n1)) ((= 1 n1) (array:2d-c0 c n0)) (else (lambda (i0 i1) (+ c (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1)))))) ; 3D cases: (define (array:3d-01 n0 n1) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1) i2))) (define (array:3d-02 n0 n2) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ (* n0 i0) i1 (* n2 i2)))) (define (array:3d-12 n1 n2) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ i0 (* n1 i1) (* n2 i2)))) (define (array:3d-c12 c n1 n2) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ c i0 (* n1 i1) (* n2 i2)))) (define (array:3d-c02 c n0 n2) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ c (* n0 i0) i1 (* n2 i2)))) (define (array:3d-c01 c n0 n1) (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ c (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1) i2))) (define (array:3d-012 n0 n1 n2) (cond ((= 1 n0) (array:3d-12 n1 n2)) ((= 1 n1) (array:3d-02 n0 n2)) ((= 1 n2) (array:3d-01 n0 n1)) (else (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1) (* n2 i2)))))) (define (array:3d-c012 c n0 n1 n2) (cond ((= 0 c) (array:3d-012 n0 n1 n2)) ((= 1 n0) (array:3d-c12 c n1 n2)) ((= 1 n1) (array:3d-c02 c n0 n2)) ((= 1 n2) (array:3d-c01 c n0 n1)) (else (lambda (i0 i1 i2) (+ c (* n0 i0) (* n1 i1) (* n2 i2)))))) ; ND cases: (define (array:Nd-* coefs) (lambda indices (apply + (map * coefs indices)))) (define (array:Nd-c* c coefs) (cond ((= 0 c) (array:Nd-* coefs)) (else (lambda indices (apply + c (map * coefs indices))))))