FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions and answers) for SLIB Scheme Library (slib-3b5). Written by Aubrey Jaffer (http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer). TOPICS: INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION SLIB INSTALLATION PROBLEMS USING SLIB PROCEDURES MACROS SRFI INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION [] What is SLIB? SLIB is a portable scheme library meant to provide compatibiliy and utility functions for all standard scheme implementations. [] What is Scheme? The Algorithmic Language Scheme is a programming language in the Lisp family. [] Which implementations has SLIB been ported to? SLIB supports Bigloo, Chez, ELK 3.0, Gambit 4.0, Guile, JScheme, MacScheme, MITScheme, PLT Scheme (DrScheme and MzScheme), Pocket Scheme, RScheme, S7, scheme->C, Scheme48, SCM, SCM Mac, scsh, SISC, Stk, T3.1, umb-scheme, and VSCM. [] How can I obtain SLIB? SLIB is available via http from: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/SLIB.html SLIB is available via ftp from: swiss.csail.mit.edu:/pub/scm/ [] How do I install SLIB? Read the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS in "slib/README". [] What are slib.texi and slib.info? "slib.texi" is the `texinfo' format documentation for SLIB. "slib.info" is produced from "slib.texi" by either Gnu Emacs or the program `makeinfo'. "slib.info" can be viewed using either Gnu Emacs or `info' or a text editor. Programs for printing and viewing TexInfo documentation (which SLIB has) come with GNU Emacs or can be obtained via ftp from: ftp.gnu.org:/pub/gnu/texinfo/texinfo-3.12.tar.gz [] How often is SLIB released? Several times a year. [] What is the latest version? The newest released version as of this writing is slib-3b5. The documentation for the latest release is available online at: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/SLIB.html [] Which version am I using? The Version is in the first line of the files slib/FAQ, slib/ANNOUNCE, and slib/README. If you have Scheme and SLIB running, type (slib:report-version) SLIB INSTALLATION PROBLEMS [] When I load an SLIB initialization file for my Scheme implementation, I get ERROR: Couldn't find "require.scm" Did you remember to set either the environment variable SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH or the library-vicinity in your initialization file to the correct location? If you set SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH, make sure that the Scheme implementation supports getenv. [] When I load an SLIB initialization file for my Scheme implementation, I get ERROR: Couldn't find "/usr/local/lib/slibrequire.scm" Notice that it is looking for "slibrequire.scm" rather than "slib/require.scm". You need to put a trailing slash on either the environment variable SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH or in the library-vicinity in your initialization file. [] SLIB used to work, but now I get ERROR: Couldn't find "slib/require.scm". What happened? You changed directories and now the relative pathname "slib/require.scm" no longer refers to the same directory. The environment variable SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH and library-vicinity in your initialization file should be absolute pathnames. [] When I type (require 'macro) I get "ERROR: unbound variable: require". You need to arrange to have your Scheme implementation load the appropriate SLIB initialization file ("foo.init") before using SLIB. If your implementation loads an initialization file on startup, you can have it load the SLIB initialization file automatically. For example (load "/usr/local/lib/slib/foo.init"). [] Why do I get a string-ref (or other) error when I try to load or use SLIB. Check that the version of the Scheme implementation you are using matches the version for which the SLIB initialization file was written. There are some notes in the SLIB initialization files about earlier versions. You may need to get a more recent version of your Scheme implementation. USING SLIB PROCEDURES [] I installed SLIB. When I type (random 5) I get "ERROR: unbound variable: random". Doesn't SLIB have a `random' function? Before you can use most SLIB functions, the associated module needs to be loaded. You do this by typing the line that appears at the top of the page in slib.info (or slib.texi) where the function is documented. In the case of random, that line is (require 'random). [] Why doesn't SLIB just load all the functions so I don't have to type require statements? SLIB has more than 1 Megabyte of Scheme source code. Many scheme implementations take unacceptably long to load 1 Megabyte of source; some implementations cannot allocate enough storage. If you use a package often, you can put the require statement in your Scheme initialization file. Consult the manual for your Scheme implementation to find out the initialization file's name. `Autoloads' will work with many Scheme implementations. You could put the following in your initialization file: (define (random . args) (require 'random) (apply random args)) I find that I only type require statements at top level when debugging. I put require statements in my Scheme files so that the appropriate modules are loaded automatically. [] Why does SLIB have PRINTF when it already has the more powerful (CommonLisp) FORMAT? CommonLisp FORMAT does not support essential features which PRINTF does. For instance, how do you format a signed 0 extended number? (format t "~8,'0,X~%" -3) ==> 000000-3 But printf gets it right: (printf "%08x\n" -3) ==> -0000003 How can one trunctate a non-numeric field using FORMAT? This feature is essential for printing reports. The first 20 letters of a name is sufficient to identify it. But if that name doesn't get trucated to the desired length it can displace other fields off the page. Once again, printf gets it right: (printf "%.20s\n" "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog") ==> the quick brown fox [] Why doesn't SLIB:ERROR call FORMAT? Format does not provide a method to truncate fields. When an error message contains non-terminating or large expressions, the essential information of the message may be lost in the ensuing deluge. MACROS [] Why are there so many macro implementations in SLIB? The R4RS committee specified only the high level pattern language in the Revised^4 Report on Scheme and left to the free marketplace of ideas the details of the low-level facility. Each macro package has a different low-level facility. The low-level facilities are sometimes needed because the high level pattern language is insufficiently powerful to accomplish tasks macros are often written to do. [] Why are there both R4RS macros and Common-Lisp style defmacros in SLIB? Most Scheme implementations predate the adoption of the R4RS macro specification. All of the implementations except scheme48 version 0.45 support defmacro natively. [] I did (LOAD "slib/yasos.scm"). The error I get is "variable define-syntax is undefined". The way to load the struct macro package is (REQUIRE 'YASOS). [] I did (REQUIRE 'YASOS). Now when I type (DEFINE-PREDICATE CELL?) The error I get is "variable define-predicate is undefined". If your Scheme does not natively support R4RS macros, you will need to install a macro-capable read-eval-print loop. This is done by: (require 'macro) ;already done if you did (require 'yasos) (require 'repl) (repl:top-level macro:eval) This would also be true for a Scheme implementation which didn't support DEFMACRO. The lines in this case would be: (require 'repl) (repl:top-level defmacro:eval) [] I always use R4RS macros with an implementation which doesn't natively support them. How can I avoid having to type require statements every time I start Scheme? As explained in the Repl entry in slib.info (or slib.texi): To have your top level loop always use macros, add any interrupt catching code and the following script to your Scheme init file: (require 'macro) (require 'repl) (repl:top-level macro:eval) SRFI [] What is SRFI? "Scheme Requests for Implementation" is a process and informal standard for defining extensions to Scheme. [] Which SRFIs does SLIB support? These can be REQUIREd by the listed (srfi) feature name: srfi-0: Feature-based conditional expansion construct srfi-1: List Library srfi-2: AND-LET*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form srfi-8: receive: Binding to multiple values srfi-9: Defining Record Types srfi-11: Syntax for receiving multiple values srfi-23: Error reporting mechanism srfi-28: Basic Format Strings srfi-39: Parameter objects srfi-47: Array srfi-59: Vicinity srfi-60: Integers as Bits srfi-61: A more general cond clause srfi-63: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Arrays srfi-94: Type-Restricted Numerical Functions srfi-95: Sorting and Merging srfi-96 "SLIB Prerequisites" is the interface which Scheme implementations provide in order to host SLIB.