;;;; "Bev2slib.scm" Build SLIB catalogs for Stephen Bevan's libraries. ;Copyright (C) 1998 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. ;;; Put this file into the implementation-vicinity directory for your ;;; scheme implementation. ;;; Add the line ;;; (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "Bev2slib.scm")) ;;; to "mkimpcat.scm" ;;; Delete "slibcat" in your implementation-vicinity. ;;; Bind `Bevan-dir' to the directory containing directories "bawk", ;;; "mawk", "pathname", etc. Bev2slib.scm will put entries into the ;;; catalog only for those directories and files which exist. (let ((Bevan-dir (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "../"));"/usr/local/lib/Bevan/" (catname "sitecat")) (call-with-output-file (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) catname) (lambda (op) (define (display* . args) (for-each (lambda (arg) (display arg op)) args) (newline op)) (define (add-alias from to) (display " " op) (write (cons from to) op) (newline op)) (begin (display* ";\"" catname "\" Site-specific SLIB catalog for " (scheme-implementation-type) (scheme-implementation-version) ". -*-scheme-*-") (display* ";") (display* "; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE") (display* "; it is automagically generated by \"Bev2slib.scm\"") (newline op) ) ;; Output association lists to file "sitecat" (for-each (lambda (dir) (let* ((vic (in-vicinity Bevan-dir (string-append dir "/"))) (map-file (in-vicinity vic (string-append dir ".map")))) (display* ";;; from " map-file) (display* "(") (and (file-exists? map-file) (call-with-input-file map-file (lambda (ip) (define files '()) (do ((feature (read ip) (read ip))) ((eof-object? feature)) (let* ((type (read ip)) (file (read ip)) (fsym (string->symbol (string-append "Req::" file)))) (and (not (assq fsym files)) (set! files (cons (cons fsym file) files))) (add-alias feature fsym))) (for-each (lambda (pr) (add-alias (car pr) (in-vicinity vic (cdr pr)))) files) ))) (display* ")"))) '("char-set" "conc-string" "string" "string-03" "avl-tree" "avl-trie" "bawk" "mawk" "pathname")) (begin (display* "(") (add-alias 'btree (in-vicinity Bevan-dir "bawk/btree")) (add-alias 'read-line 'line-i/o) (display* ")") ))))