path: root/synrul.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'synrul.scm')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/synrul.scm b/synrul.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23275f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synrul.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+;;; "synrul.scm" Rule-based Syntactic Expanders -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; Copyright (c) 1989-91 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical
+;;; Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to copy this
+;;; software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any purpose is
+;;; granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+;;; return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions
+;;; that they make, so that these may be included in future releases;
+;;; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the
+;;; usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation
+;;; of this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no
+;;; obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update,
+;;; or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts
+;;; Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any
+;;; advertising, promotional, or sales literature without prior
+;;; written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;;; Rule-based Syntactic Expanders
+;;; See "Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp", by
+;;; Eugene Kohlbecker, Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1986.
+;;; See also "Macros That Work", by William Clinger and Jonathan Rees
+;;; (reference? POPL?). This implementation is derived from an
+;;; implementation by Kent Dybvig, and includes some ideas from
+;;; another implementation by Jonathan Rees.
+;;; The expansion of SYNTAX-RULES references the following keywords:
+;;; and the following procedures:
+;;; it also uses the anonymous keyword SYNTAX-QUOTE.
+;;; For testing.
+;;;(define (run-sr form)
+;;; (expand/syntax-rules form (lambda (x) x) eq?))
+(define (make-syntax-rules-macrology)
+ (make-er-expander-macrology
+ (lambda (define-classifier base-environment)
+ base-environment ;ignore
+ (define-classifier 'SYNTAX-RULES expand/syntax-rules))))
+(define (expand/syntax-rules form rename compare)
+ (if (syntax-match? '((* IDENTIFIER) + ((IDENTIFIER . DATUM) EXPRESSION))
+ (cdr form))
+ (let ((keywords (cadr form))
+ (clauses (cddr form)))
+ (if (let loop ((keywords keywords))
+ (and (pair? keywords)
+ (or (memq (car keywords) (cdr keywords))
+ (loop (cdr keywords)))))
+ (syntax-error "keywords list contains duplicates" keywords)
+ (let ((r-form (rename 'FORM))
+ (r-rename (rename 'RENAME))
+ (r-compare (rename 'COMPARE)))
+ `(,(rename 'ER-TRANSFORMER)
+ (,(rename 'LAMBDA)
+ (,r-form ,r-rename ,r-compare)
+ ,(let loop ((clauses clauses))
+ (if (null? clauses)
+ `(,(rename 'ILL-FORMED-SYNTAX) ,r-form)
+ (let ((pattern (caar clauses)))
+ (let ((sids
+ (parse-pattern rename compare keywords
+ pattern r-form)))
+ `(,(rename 'IF)
+ ,(generate-match rename compare keywords
+ r-rename r-compare
+ pattern r-form)
+ ,(generate-output rename compare r-rename
+ sids (cadar clauses)
+ syntax-error)
+ ,(loop (cdr clauses))))))))))))
+ (ill-formed-syntax form)))
+(define (parse-pattern rename compare keywords pattern expression)
+ (let loop
+ ((pattern pattern)
+ (expression expression)
+ (sids '())
+ (control #f))
+ (cond ((identifier? pattern)
+ (if (memq pattern keywords)
+ sids
+ (cons (make-sid pattern expression control) sids)))
+ ((and (or (zero-or-more? pattern rename compare)
+ (at-least-one? pattern rename compare))
+ (null? (cddr pattern)))
+ (let ((variable ((make-name-generator) 'CONTROL)))
+ (loop (car pattern)
+ variable
+ sids
+ (make-sid variable expression control))))
+ ((pair? pattern)
+ (loop (car pattern)
+ `(,(rename 'CAR) ,expression)
+ (loop (cdr pattern)
+ `(,(rename 'CDR) ,expression)
+ sids
+ control)
+ control))
+ (else sids))))
+(define (generate-match rename compare keywords r-rename r-compare
+ pattern expression)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (pattern expression)
+ (cond ((identifier? pattern)
+ (if (memq pattern keywords)
+ (let ((temp (rename 'TEMP)))
+ `((,(rename 'LAMBDA)
+ (,temp)
+ (,(rename 'IF)
+ (,(rename 'IDENTIFIER?) ,temp)
+ (,r-compare ,temp
+ (,r-rename ,(syntax-quote pattern)))
+ #f))
+ ,expression))
+ `#t))
+ ((and (zero-or-more? pattern rename compare)
+ (null? (cddr pattern)))
+ (do-list (car pattern) expression))
+ ((and (at-least-one? pattern rename compare)
+ (null? (cddr pattern)))
+ `(,(rename 'IF) (,(rename 'NULL?) ,expression)
+ #F
+ ,(do-list (car pattern) expression)))
+ ((pair? pattern)
+ (let ((generate-pair
+ (lambda (expression)
+ (conjunction
+ `(,(rename 'PAIR?) ,expression)
+ (conjunction
+ (loop (car pattern)
+ `(,(rename 'CAR) ,expression))
+ (loop (cdr pattern)
+ `(,(rename 'CDR) ,expression)))))))
+ (if (identifier? expression)
+ (generate-pair expression)
+ (let ((temp (rename 'TEMP)))
+ `((,(rename 'LAMBDA) (,temp) ,(generate-pair temp))
+ ,expression)))))
+ ((null? pattern)
+ `(,(rename 'NULL?) ,expression))
+ (else
+ `(,(rename 'EQUAL?) ,expression
+ (,(rename 'QUOTE) ,pattern))))))
+ (do-list
+ (lambda (pattern expression)
+ (let ((r-loop (rename 'LOOP))
+ (r-l (rename 'L))
+ (r-lambda (rename 'LAMBDA)))
+ `(((,r-lambda
+ (,r-loop)
+ (,(rename 'BEGIN)
+ (,(rename 'SET!)
+ ,r-loop
+ (,r-lambda
+ (,r-l)
+ (,(rename 'IF)
+ (,(rename 'NULL?) ,r-l)
+ #T
+ ,(conjunction
+ `(,(rename 'PAIR?) ,r-l)
+ (conjunction (loop pattern `(,(rename 'CAR) ,r-l))
+ `(,r-loop (,(rename 'CDR) ,r-l)))))))
+ ,r-loop))
+ #F)
+ ,expression))))
+ (conjunction
+ (lambda (predicate consequent)
+ (cond ((eq? predicate #T) consequent)
+ ((eq? consequent #T) predicate)
+ (else `(,(rename 'IF) ,predicate ,consequent #F))))))
+ (loop pattern expression)))
+(define (generate-output rename compare r-rename sids template syntax-error)
+ (let loop ((template template) (ellipses '()))
+ (cond ((identifier? template)
+ (let ((sid
+ (let loop ((sids sids))
+ (and (not (null? sids))
+ (if (eq? (sid-name (car sids)) template)
+ (car sids)
+ (loop (cdr sids)))))))
+ (if sid
+ (begin
+ (add-control! sid ellipses syntax-error)
+ (sid-expression sid))
+ `(,r-rename ,(syntax-quote template)))))
+ ((or (zero-or-more? template rename compare)
+ (at-least-one? template rename compare))
+ (optimized-append rename compare
+ (let ((ellipsis (make-ellipsis '())))
+ (generate-ellipsis rename
+ ellipsis
+ (loop (car template)
+ (cons ellipsis
+ ellipses))))
+ (loop (cddr template) ellipses)))
+ ((pair? template)
+ (optimized-cons rename compare
+ (loop (car template) ellipses)
+ (loop (cdr template) ellipses)))
+ (else
+ `(,(rename 'QUOTE) ,template)))))
+(define (add-control! sid ellipses syntax-error)
+ (let loop ((sid sid) (ellipses ellipses))
+ (let ((control (sid-control sid)))
+ (cond (control
+ (if (null? ellipses)
+ (syntax-error "missing ellipsis in expansion" #f)
+ (let ((sids (ellipsis-sids (car ellipses))))
+ (cond ((not (memq control sids))
+ (set-ellipsis-sids! (car ellipses)
+ (cons control sids)))
+ ((not (eq? control (car sids)))
+ (syntax-error "illegal control/ellipsis combination"
+ control sids)))))
+ (loop control (cdr ellipses)))
+ ((not (null? ellipses))
+ (syntax-error "extra ellipsis in expansion" #f))))))
+(define (generate-ellipsis rename ellipsis body)
+ (let ((sids (ellipsis-sids ellipsis)))
+ (let ((name (sid-name (car sids)))
+ (expression (sid-expression (car sids))))
+ (cond ((and (null? (cdr sids))
+ (eq? body name))
+ expression)
+ ((and (null? (cdr sids))
+ (pair? body)
+ (pair? (cdr body))
+ (eq? (cadr body) name)
+ (null? (cddr body)))
+ `(,(rename 'MAP) ,(car body) ,expression))
+ (else
+ `(,(rename 'MAP) (,(rename 'LAMBDA) ,(map sid-name sids) ,body)
+ ,@(map sid-expression sids)))))))
+(define (zero-or-more? pattern rename compare)
+ (and (pair? pattern)
+ (pair? (cdr pattern))
+ (identifier? (cadr pattern))
+ (compare (cadr pattern) (rename '...))))
+(define (at-least-one? pattern rename compare)
+;;; (and (pair? pattern)
+;;; (pair? (cdr pattern))
+;;; (identifier? (cadr pattern))
+;;; (compare (cadr pattern) (rename '+)))
+ pattern rename compare ;ignore
+ #f)
+(define (optimized-cons rename compare a d)
+ (cond ((and (pair? d)
+ (compare (car d) (rename 'QUOTE))
+ (pair? (cdr d))
+ (null? (cadr d))
+ (null? (cddr d)))
+ `(,(rename 'LIST) ,a))
+ ((and (pair? d)
+ (compare (car d) (rename 'LIST))
+ (list? (cdr d)))
+ `(,(car d) ,a ,@(cdr d)))
+ (else
+ `(,(rename 'CONS) ,a ,d))))
+(define (optimized-append rename compare x y)
+ (if (and (pair? y)
+ (compare (car y) (rename 'QUOTE))
+ (pair? (cdr y))
+ (null? (cadr y))
+ (null? (cddr y)))
+ x
+ `(,(rename 'APPEND) ,x ,y)))
+(define sid-type
+(define make-sid
+ (record-constructor sid-type '(NAME EXPRESSION CONTROL)))
+(define sid-name
+ (record-accessor sid-type 'NAME))
+(define sid-expression
+ (record-accessor sid-type 'EXPRESSION))
+(define sid-control
+ (record-accessor sid-type 'CONTROL))
+(define sid-output-expression
+ (record-accessor sid-type 'OUTPUT-EXPRESSION))
+(define set-sid-output-expression!
+ (record-modifier sid-type 'OUTPUT-EXPRESSION))
+(define ellipsis-type
+ (make-record-type "ellipsis" '(SIDS)))
+(define make-ellipsis
+ (record-constructor ellipsis-type '(SIDS)))
+(define ellipsis-sids
+ (record-accessor ellipsis-type 'SIDS))
+(define set-ellipsis-sids!
+ (record-modifier ellipsis-type 'SIDS))