/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. * * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the GUILE library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ /* "record.c" code for (R5RS) proposed "Record" user definable datatypes. Author: Radey Shouman */ #include "scm.h" typedef struct { SCM rtd; SCM name; SCM fields; } rtd_type; typedef union { struct { SCM proc; SCM rtd; } pred; struct { SCM proc; SCM rtd; SCM index; } acc; struct { SCM proc; SCM rtd; SCM recsize; SCM indices; } constr; } rec_cclo; long tc16_record; /* Record-type-descriptor for record-type-descriptors */ static SCM the_rtd_rtd; /* Record <= [rtd, ... elts ... ] */ #define REC_RTD(x) (VELTS(x)[0]) #define RECP(x) (tc16_record==TYP16(x)) #define RTDP(x) (RECP(x) && the_rtd_rtd==REC_RTD(x)) #define RTD_NAME(x) (((rtd_type *)CDR(x))->name) #define RTD_FIELDS(x) (((rtd_type *)CDR(x))->fields) #define RCLO_RTD(x) (((rec_cclo *)CDR(x))->pred.rtd) #ifdef ARRAYS # define MAKE_REC_INDS(n) make_uve((long)n, MAKINUM(1)) # define REC_IND_REF(x, i) VELTS(x)[(i)] # define REC_IND_SET(x, i, val) VELTS(x)[(i)] = (val) #else # define MAKE_REC_INDS(n) make_vector(MAKINUM(n), INUM0) # define REC_IND_REF(x, i) INUM(VELTS(x)[(i)]) # define REC_IND_SET(x, i, val) VELTS(x)[(i)] = MAKINUM(val) #endif static char s_record[] = "record"; static char s_recordp[] = "record?"; SCM recordp(obj) SCM obj; { return (NIMP(obj) && RECP(obj) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F); } static char s_rec_pred1[] = " record-predicate-procedure"; SCM rec_pred1(cclo, obj) SCM cclo, obj; { if (NIMP(obj) && RECP(obj) && (REC_RTD(obj)==RCLO_RTD(cclo))) return BOOL_T; return BOOL_F; } static SCM f_rec_pred1; static char s_rec_pred[] = "record-predicate"; SCM rec_pred(rtd) SCM rtd; { SCM cclo = makcclo(f_rec_pred1, 2L); ASSERT(NIMP(rtd) && RTDP(rtd), rtd, ARG1, s_rec_pred); RCLO_RTD(cclo) = rtd; return cclo; } static char s_rec_rtd[] = "record-type-descriptor"; SCM rec_rtd(rec) SCM rec; { if (IMP(rec) || !RECP(rec)) return BOOL_F; return REC_RTD(rec); } static SCM f_rec_constr1; static char s_rec_constr[] = "record-constructor"; SCM rec_constr(rtd, flds) SCM rtd, flds; { SCM flst, fld; SCM cclo = makcclo(f_rec_constr1, (long)sizeof(rec_cclo)/sizeof(SCM)); rec_cclo *ptr = (rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo); sizet i, j; ASSERT(NIMP(rtd) && RTDP(rtd), rtd, ARG1, s_rec_constr); ptr->constr.rtd = rtd; i = ilength(RTD_FIELDS(rtd)); ptr->constr.recsize = MAKINUM(i); if UNBNDP(flds) { ptr->constr.indices = MAKE_REC_INDS(i); while (i--) REC_IND_SET(ptr->constr.indices, i, i+1); } else { ASSERT(NIMP(flds) && CONSP(flds), flds, ARG2, s_rec_constr); ptr->constr.indices = MAKE_REC_INDS(ilength(flds)); for(i = 0; NIMP(flds); i++, flds = CDR(flds)) { fld = CAR(flds); ASSERT(NIMP(fld) && SYMBOLP(fld), fld, ARG2, s_rec_constr); flst = RTD_FIELDS(rtd); for (j = 0; ; j++, flst = CDR(flst)) { if (fld==CAR(flst)) { REC_IND_SET(ptr->constr.indices, i, j+1); break; } ASSERT(NNULLP(flst), fld, ARG2, s_rec_constr); } } } return cclo; } static char s_rec_constr1[] = " record-constructor-procedure"; SCM rec_constr1(args) SCM args; { SCM cclo = CAR(args); SCM rec, inds = (((rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo))->constr.indices); sizet i = INUM(((rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo))->constr.recsize); args = CDR(args); NEWCELL(rec); DEFER_INTS; SETCHARS(rec, must_malloc((i+1L)*sizeof(SCM), s_record)); SETNUMDIGS(rec, i+1L, tc16_record); ALLOW_INTS; while (i--) VELTS(rec)[i+1] = UNSPECIFIED; REC_RTD(rec) = RCLO_RTD(cclo); for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(inds); i++, args = CDR(args)) { ASSERT(NNULLP(args), UNDEFINED, WNA, s_rec_constr1); VELTS(rec)[ REC_IND_REF(inds, i) ] = CAR(args); } ASSERT(NULLP(args), UNDEFINED, WNA, s_rec_constr1); return rec; } /* Makes an accessor or modifier. A cclo with 2 env elts -- rtd and field-number. */ static SCM makrecclo(proc, rtd, field, what) SCM proc, rtd, field; char *what; { SCM flst; SCM cclo = makcclo(proc, 3L); int i; ASSERT(RTDP(rtd), rtd, ARG1, what); ASSERT(NIMP(field) && SYMBOLP(field), field, ARG2, what); RCLO_RTD(cclo) = rtd; flst = RTD_FIELDS(rtd); for (i = 1; ; i++) { ASSERT(NNULLP(flst), field, ARG2, what); if (CAR(flst)==field) break; flst = CDR(flst); } (((rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo))->acc.index) = MAKINUM(i); return cclo; } static char s_rec_accessor1[] = " record-accessor-procedure"; SCM rec_accessor1(cclo, rec) SCM cclo, rec; { ASSERT(NIMP(rec) && RECP(rec), rec, ARG1, s_rec_accessor1); ASSERT(RCLO_RTD(cclo)==REC_RTD(rec), rec, ARG1, s_rec_accessor1); return VELTS(rec)[ INUM(((rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo))->acc.index) ]; } static char s_rec_modifier1[] = " record-modifier-procedure"; SCM rec_modifier1(cclo, rec, val) SCM cclo, rec, val; { ASSERT(NIMP(rec) && RECP(rec), rec, ARG1, s_rec_modifier1); ASSERT(RCLO_RTD(cclo)==REC_RTD(rec), rec, ARG1, s_rec_modifier1); VELTS(rec)[ INUM(((rec_cclo *)CDR(cclo))->acc.index) ] = val; return UNSPECIFIED; } static SCM f_rec_accessor1; static char s_rec_accessor[] = "record-accessor"; SCM rec_accessor(rtd, field) SCM rtd, field; { return makrecclo(f_rec_accessor1, rtd, field, s_rec_accessor); } static SCM f_rec_modifier1; static char s_rec_modifier[] = "record-modifier"; SCM rec_modifier(rtd, field) SCM rtd, field; { return makrecclo(f_rec_modifier1, rtd, field, s_rec_accessor); } static char s_makrectyp[] = "make-record-type"; SCM *loc_makrtd; SCM makrectyp(name, fields) SCM name, fields; { SCM n; #ifndef RECKLESS if(ilength(fields) < 0) errout: wta(fields, (char *)ARG2, s_makrectyp); for (n=fields; NIMP(n); n = CDR(n)) if (!SYMBOLP(CAR(n))) goto errout; #endif return apply(*loc_makrtd, name, cons(fields, listofnull)); } static SCM markrec(ptr) SCM ptr; { sizet i; if GC8MARKP(ptr) return BOOL_F; SETGC8MARK(ptr); for (i = NUMDIGS(ptr); --i;) if NIMP(VELTS(ptr)[i]) gc_mark(VELTS(ptr)[i]); return REC_RTD(ptr); } static sizet freerec(ptr) CELLPTR ptr; { must_free(CHARS(ptr)); return sizeof(SCM)*NUMDIGS(ptr); } static int recprin1(exp, port, writing) SCM exp, port; int writing; { SCM names = RTD_FIELDS(REC_RTD(exp)); sizet i; lputs("#s(", port); iprin1(RTD_NAME(REC_RTD(exp)), port, 0); for (i = 1; i < NUMDIGS(exp); i++) { lputc(' ', port); iprin1(CAR(names), port, 0); names = CDR(names); lputc(' ', port); iprin1(VELTS(exp)[i], port, writing); } lputc(')', port); /* lputs("#', port); for(i = 1; i < NUMDIGS(exp); i++) { lputc(' ', port); iprin1(VELTS(exp)[i], port, writing); } lputc('>', port); */ return 1; } SCM recequal(rec0, rec1) SCM rec0, rec1; { sizet i = NUMDIGS(rec0); if (i != NUMDIGS(rec1)) return BOOL_F; if (REC_RTD(rec0) != REC_RTD(rec1)) return BOOL_F; while(--i) if FALSEP(equal(VELTS(rec0)[i], VELTS(rec1)[i])) return BOOL_F; return BOOL_T; } static smobfuns recsmob = {markrec, freerec, recprin1, recequal}; static iproc subr1s[] = { {s_recordp, recordp}, {s_rec_pred, rec_pred}, {s_rec_rtd, rec_rtd}, {0, 0}}; static iproc subr2s[] = { {s_rec_accessor, rec_accessor}, {s_rec_modifier, rec_modifier}, {s_makrectyp, makrectyp}, {0, 0}}; static char s_name[] = "name"; static char s_fields[] = "fields"; void init_record() { SCM i_name = CAR(intern(s_name, (sizeof s_name)-1)); SCM i_fields = CAR(intern(s_fields, (sizeof s_fields)-1)); tc16_record = newsmob(&recsmob); NEWCELL(the_rtd_rtd); SETCHARS(the_rtd_rtd, must_malloc((long)sizeof(rtd_type), s_record)); SETNUMDIGS(the_rtd_rtd, (long)sizeof(rtd_type)/sizeof(SCM), tc16_record); REC_RTD(the_rtd_rtd) = the_rtd_rtd; RTD_NAME(the_rtd_rtd) = makfromstr(s_record, (sizeof s_record)-1); RTD_FIELDS(the_rtd_rtd) = cons2(i_name, i_fields, EOL); sysintern("record:rtd", the_rtd_rtd); f_rec_pred1 = make_subr(s_rec_pred1, tc7_subr_2, rec_pred1); f_rec_constr1 = make_subr(s_rec_constr1, tc7_lsubr, rec_constr1); f_rec_accessor1 = make_subr(s_rec_accessor1, tc7_subr_2, rec_accessor1); f_rec_modifier1 = make_subr(s_rec_modifier1, tc7_subr_3, rec_modifier1); make_subr(s_rec_constr, tc7_subr_2o, rec_constr); init_iprocs(subr1s, tc7_subr_1); init_iprocs(subr2s, tc7_subr_2); sysintern("record-type-descriptor?", rec_pred(the_rtd_rtd)); sysintern("record-type-name", rec_accessor(the_rtd_rtd, i_name)); sysintern("record-type-field-names", rec_accessor(the_rtd_rtd, i_fields)); loc_makrtd = &CDR(sysintern("RTD:make", rec_constr(the_rtd_rtd, UNDEFINED))); add_feature(s_record); }