/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of SCM. * * The exception is that, if you link the SCM library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the SCM library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name SCM. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * SCM, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for SCM, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ /* "posix.c" functions only in Posix (unix). Author: Aubrey Jaffer */ #include "scm.h" #include #include #include /* added by Denys Duchier: for kill */ #include #ifndef STDC_HEADERS char *ttyname P((int fd)); FILE *popen P((const char* command, const char* type)); int pclose P((FILE* stream)); #else /* added by Denys Duchier */ # ifdef SVR4 # include # endif # ifdef linux # include # endif # ifdef __OpenBSD__ # include # endif # ifdef __NetBSD__ # include # endif #endif static char s_chown[] = "chown"; SCM l_chown(path, owner, group) SCM path, owner, group; { int val; ASRTER(NIMP(path) && STRINGP(path), path, ARG1, s_chown); ASRTER(INUMP(owner), owner, ARG2, s_chown); ASRTER(INUMP(group), group, ARG3, s_chown); SYSCALL(val = chown(CHARS(path), INUM(owner), INUM(group));); return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } static char s_link[] = "link"; SCM l_link(oldpath, newpath) SCM oldpath, newpath; { int val; ASRTER(NIMP(oldpath) && STRINGP(oldpath), oldpath, ARG1, s_link); ASRTER(NIMP(newpath) && STRINGP(newpath), newpath, ARG2, s_link); SYSCALL(val = link(CHARS(oldpath), CHARS(newpath));); return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } SCM l_pipe() { int fd[2], ret; FILE *f_rd, *f_wt; SCM p_rd, p_wt; NEWCELL(p_rd); NEWCELL(p_wt); DEFER_INTS; SYSCALL(ret = pipe(fd);); if (ret) {ALLOW_INTS; return BOOL_F;} SYSCALL(f_rd = fdopen(fd[0], "r");); if (!f_rd) { close(fd[0]); goto errout; } SCM_OPENCALL(f_wt = fdopen(fd[1], "w")); if (!f_wt) { fclose(f_rd); errout: close(fd[1]); wta(UNDEFINED, (char *)NALLOC, s_port_type); } p_rd = scm_port_entry(f_rd, tc16_fport, mode_bits("r", (char *)0)); p_wt = scm_port_entry(f_wt, tc16_fport, mode_bits("w", (char *)0)); ALLOW_INTS; return cons(p_rd, p_wt); } char s_op_pipe[] = "open-pipe"; SCM open_pipe(pipestr, modes) SCM pipestr, modes; { FILE *f; register SCM z; ASRTER(NIMP(pipestr) && STRINGP(pipestr), pipestr, ARG1, s_op_pipe); ASRTER(NIMP(modes) && (STRINGP(modes) || SYMBOLP(modes)), modes, ARG2, s_op_pipe); NEWCELL(z); /* DEFER_INTS, SYSCALL, and ALLOW_INTS are probably paranoid here*/ DEFER_INTS; ignore_signals(); SCM_OPENCALL(f = popen(CHARS(pipestr), CHARS(modes))); unignore_signals(); z = f ? scm_port_entry(f, tc16_pipe, OPN | (strchr(CHARS(modes), 'r') ? RDNG : WRTNG)) : BOOL_F; ALLOW_INTS; return z; } static char scm_s_getgroups[] = "getgroups"; SCM scm_getgroups() { SCM grps, ans; int ngroups = getgroups(0, 0); if (!ngroups) return BOOL_F; scm_protect_temp(&grps); DEFER_INTS; /* grps is used as a gc protect, its type used to be tc7_string, but strings are now checked for null termination during gc. The length needs not be exactly right */ grps = must_malloc_cell((0L + ngroups) * sizeof(gid_t), MAKE_LENGTH(((0L + ngroups) * sizeof(gid_t))/sizeof(long), tc7_uvect), scm_s_getgroups); ALLOW_INTS; { gid_t *groups = (gid_t *)CHARS(grps); int val = getgroups(ngroups, groups); if (val < 0) return BOOL_F; ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(ngroups), UNDEFINED); while (--ngroups >= 0) VELTS(ans)[ngroups] = MAKINUM(groups[ngroups]); return ans; } } /* These 2 routines are not protected against `entry' being reused before access to that structure is completed */ static char s_pwinfo[] = "getpw"; SCM l_pwinfo(user) SCM user; { SCM ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(7), UNSPECIFIED); struct passwd *entry; SCM *ve = VELTS(ans); DEFER_INTS; if UNBNDP(user) SYSCALL(entry = getpwent();); else if INUMP(user) SYSCALL(entry = getpwuid(INUM(user));); else { ASRTER(NIMP(user) && STRINGP(user), user, ARG1, s_pwinfo); SYSCALL(entry = getpwnam(CHARS(user));); } ALLOW_INTS; if (!entry) return BOOL_F; ve[ 0] = makfrom0str(entry->pw_name); ve[ 1] = makfrom0str(entry->pw_passwd); ve[ 2] = ulong2num((unsigned long)entry->pw_uid); ve[ 3] = ulong2num((unsigned long)entry->pw_gid); ve[ 4] = makfrom0str(entry->pw_gecos); ve[ 5] = makfrom0str(entry->pw_dir); ve[ 6] = makfrom0str(entry->pw_shell); return ans; } #include static char s_grinfo[] = "getgr"; SCM l_grinfo(name) SCM name; { SCM ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(4), UNSPECIFIED); struct group *entry; SCM *ve = VELTS(ans); DEFER_INTS; if UNBNDP(name) SYSCALL(entry = getgrent();); else if INUMP(name) SYSCALL(entry = getgrgid(INUM(name));); else { ASRTER(NIMP(name) && STRINGP(name), name, ARG1, s_grinfo); SYSCALL(entry = getgrnam(CHARS(name));); } ALLOW_INTS; if (!entry) return BOOL_F; ve[ 0] = makfrom0str(entry->gr_name); ve[ 1] = makfrom0str(entry->gr_passwd); ve[ 2] = ulong2num((unsigned long)entry->gr_gid); ve[ 3] = makfromstrs(-1, entry->gr_mem); return ans; } SCM l_setgr(arg) SCM arg; { if (UNBNDP(arg) || FALSEP(arg)) endgrent(); else setgrent(); return UNSPECIFIED; } SCM l_setpw(arg) SCM arg; { if (UNBNDP(arg) || FALSEP(arg)) endpwent(); else setpwent(); return UNSPECIFIED; } static char s_kill[] = "kill"; SCM l_kill(pid, sig) SCM pid, sig; { int i; ASRTER(INUMP(pid), pid, ARG1, s_kill); ASRTER(INUMP(sig), sig, ARG2, s_kill); SYSCALL(i = kill((int)INUM(pid), (int)INUM(sig));); return MAKINUM(0L+i); } static char s_waitpid[] = "waitpid"; SCM l_waitpid(pid, options) SCM pid, options; { int i, status; ASRTER(INUMP(pid), pid, ARG1, s_waitpid); ASRTER(INUMP(options), options, ARG2, s_waitpid); SYSCALL(i = waitpid(INUM(pid), &status, INUM(options));); return i < 0 ? BOOL_F : MAKINUM(0L+status); } SCM l_getppid() { return MAKINUM(0L+getppid()); } SCM l_getuid() { return MAKINUM(0L+getuid()); } SCM l_getgid() { return MAKINUM(0L+getgid()); } #ifndef LACK_E_IDs SCM l_geteuid() { return MAKINUM(0L+geteuid()); } SCM l_getegid() { return MAKINUM(0L+getegid()); } #endif static char s_setuid[] = "setuid"; SCM l_setuid(id) SCM id; { ASRTER(INUMP(id), id, ARG1, s_setuid); return setuid(INUM(id)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } static char s_setgid[] = "setgid"; SCM l_setgid(id) SCM id; { ASRTER(INUMP(id), id, ARG1, s_setgid); return setgid(INUM(id)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } #ifndef LACK_E_IDs static char s_seteuid[] = "seteuid"; SCM l_seteuid(id) SCM id; { ASRTER(INUMP(id), id, ARG1, s_seteuid); return seteuid(INUM(id)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } static char s_setegid[] = "setegid"; SCM l_setegid(id) SCM id; { ASRTER(INUMP(id), id, ARG1, s_setegid); return setegid(INUM(id)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T; } #endif static char s_ttyname[] = "ttyname"; SCM l_ttyname(port) SCM port; { char *ans; ASRTER(NIMP(port) && OPPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_ttyname); if (tc16_fport != TYP16(port)) return BOOL_F; SYSCALL(ans = ttyname(fileno(STREAM(port)));); /* ans could be overwritten by another call to ttyname */ return ans ? makfrom0str(ans) : BOOL_F; } SCM l_fork() { long pid = 0L + fork(); return -1L==pid ? BOOL_F : MAKINUM(pid); } #include SCM l_uname() { struct utsname buf; SCM ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(5), UNSPECIFIED); SCM *ve = VELTS(ans); if (uname(&buf)) return BOOL_F; ve[ 0] = makfrom0str(buf.sysname); ve[ 1] = makfrom0str(buf.nodename); ve[ 2] = makfrom0str(buf.release); ve[ 3] = makfrom0str(buf.version); ve[ 4] = makfrom0str(buf.machine); /* ve[ 5] = makfrom0str(buf.domainname); */ return ans; } static iproc subr0s[] = { {"pipe", l_pipe}, {scm_s_getgroups, scm_getgroups}, {"getppid", l_getppid}, {"getuid", l_getuid}, {"getgid", l_getgid}, #ifndef LACK_E_IDs {"getegid", l_getegid}, {"geteuid", l_geteuid}, #endif {"uname", l_uname}, {"fork", l_fork}, {0, 0}}; static iproc subr1os[] = { {s_pwinfo, l_pwinfo}, {s_grinfo, l_grinfo}, {"setpwent", l_setpw}, {"setgrent", l_setgr}, {0, 0}}; static iproc subr1s[] = { {"setuid", l_setuid}, {"setgid", l_setgid}, #ifndef LACK_E_IDs {"setegid", l_setegid}, {"seteuid", l_seteuid}, #endif {s_ttyname, l_ttyname}, {0, 0}}; static iproc subr2s[] = { {s_link, l_link}, {s_kill, l_kill}, {s_waitpid, l_waitpid}, {s_op_pipe, open_pipe}, {0, 0}}; static iproc subr3s[] = { {s_chown, l_chown}, {0, 0}}; void init_posix() { init_iprocs(subr0s, tc7_subr_0); init_iprocs(subr1s, tc7_subr_1); init_iprocs(subr1os, tc7_subr_1o); init_iprocs(subr2s, tc7_subr_2); init_iprocs(subr3s, tc7_subr_3); add_feature("posix"); ptobs[0x0ff & (tc16_pipe>>8)].name = s_pipe; ptobs[0x0ff & (tc16_pipe>>8)].fclose = pclose; ptobs[0x0ff & (tc16_pipe>>8)].free = pclose; add_feature(s_pipe); scm_ldstr("\n\ (define (open-input-pipe cmd) (open-pipe cmd \"r\"))\n\ (define (open-output-pipe cmd) (open-pipe cmd \"w\"))\n\ (define (system->line command . tmp)\n\ (define line\n\ (call-with-open-ports\n\ read-line\n\ (open-input-pipe command)))\n\ (if (eof-object? line) \"\" line))\n\ "); }