#! /usr/local/bin/scm \ %0 %* - !# ;; Copyright (C) 1991-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. ;; ;; As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission ;; for additional uses of the text contained in its release of SCM. ;; ;; The exception is that, if you link the SCM library with other files ;; to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the ;; resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. ;; Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of ;; linking the SCM library code into it. ;; ;; This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why ;; the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. ;; ;; This exception applies only to the code released by the ;; Free Software Foundation under the name SCM. If you copy ;; code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of ;; SCM, as the General Public License permits, the exception does ;; not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading ;; anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete ;; this exception notice from them. ;; ;; If you write modifications of your own for SCM, it is your choice ;; whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. ;; If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. ;;;; "inc2scm", Convert numeric C #defines to Scheme definitions. ;;; Author: Aubrey Jaffer. (define (inc2scm.script args) (cond ((< 1 (length args)) (apply scm<-usr/includes args)) (else (inc2scm.usage)))) (define (inc2scm.usage) (display "\ \ Usage: inc2scm defines.scm [pre:] [/usr/include/] file1.h file2.h ... \ Appends to DEFINES.SCM the Scheme translations of the numeric #define statements in /USR/INCLUDE/FILE1.H, /USR/INCLUDE/FILE2.H, ... PRE: is prepended to those scheme names lacking a prefix. /USR/INCLUDE/ defaults to /usr/include/. http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/SCM " (current-error-port)) #f) (require 'string-search) (require 'printf) (require 'scanf) (define (StudlyCaps->dashed-name nstr) (do ((idx (+ -1 (string-length nstr)) (+ -1 idx))) ((> 2 idx)) (cond ((and (char-upper-case? (string-ref nstr (+ -1 idx))) (char-lower-case? (string-ref nstr idx))) (set! nstr (string-append (substring nstr 0 (+ -1 idx)) "-" (substring nstr (+ -1 idx) (string-length nstr))))) ((and (char-lower-case? (string-ref nstr (+ -1 idx))) (char-upper-case? (string-ref nstr idx))) (set! nstr (string-append (substring nstr 0 idx) "-" (substring nstr idx (string-length nstr))))))) nstr) ;; SCHEMEIFY-NAME: ;; * Changes _ to - ;; * Changes the first - to : if it is within the first 3 characters. ;; * inserts dashes between `StudlyCaps' (define (schemeify-name pre name) (define nstr (string-subst name "_" "-")) (let ((sid (string-index nstr #\-))) (cond ((and sid (< sid 3)) (string-set! nstr sid #\:) nstr) (pre (string-append pre (StudlyCaps->dashed-name nstr))) (else (StudlyCaps->dashed-name nstr))))) (define (extract-defineds port) (define sharp (string #\newline #\#)) (define defineds '()) (do ((find? (find-string-from-port? sharp port) (find-string-from-port? sharp port))) ((not find?) (reverse defineds)) (do ((chr (read-char port) (read-char port))) ((or (eof-object? chr) (not (char-whitespace? chr))) (and (eqv? chr #\d) (let ((op #f) (va #f)) (fscanf port "efine%*[ \t]%s%*[ \t]%s" op va) (if (and op va (not (string-index op #\()) (not (eqv? #\_ (string-ref op 0))) (not (equal? "int" va))) (set! defineds (cons op defineds))))))))) (define (scm<-includes scmname pre non-local? . filenames) (define tmpprog "tmpprog") (call-with-output-file (string-append tmpprog ".c") (lambda (cport) (for-each (lambda (filename) (fprintf cport (if non-local? "#include <%s>\\n" "#include \"%s\"\\n") filename)) filenames) (for-each (lambda (args) (apply fprintf cport args)) `(("#include \\n") ("void pSl(sname, value)\\n") (" char sname[];\\n") (" int value;\\n") ("{\\n") ("%s\\n" " printf(\"(define %s %d)\\n\", sname, value);") ("}\\n") ("\\n") ("int main(argc, argv)\\n") (" int argc;\\n") (" char *argv[];\\n") ("{\\n") )) (for-each (lambda (filename) (if non-local? (set! filename (string-append non-local? filename))) (fprintf cport "/* Extract #define values from %s */\\n" filename) (fprintf cport "%s %s%s\\n" " printf(\";;inc2scm extracted #define values from" filename "\\n\");") (for-each (lambda (name) (fprintf cport "#ifdef %s\\n pSl(\"%s\", %s);\\n#endif\\n" name (schemeify-name pre name) name)) (call-with-input-file filename extract-defineds))) filenames) (fprintf cport "}\\n"))) (cond ((not (zero? (system (sprintf #f "cc -o %s %s.c" tmpprog tmpprog))))) ((not (zero? (system (sprintf #f "./%s >> %s" tmpprog scmname))))))) (define (scm<-usr/includes scmname . filenames) (define pre (let ((first (car filenames))) (cond ((substring-ci? ".h" first) #f) (else (set! filenames (cdr filenames)) first)))) (define include-path "/usr/include/") (let* ((first (car filenames))) (cond ((memv (string-ref first (+ -1 (string-length first))) '(#\\ #\/)) (set! include-path first) (set! filenames (cdr filenames))))) (apply scm<-includes scmname pre include-path filenames) (delete-file "tmpprog.c") (delete-file "tmpprog")) (define (scm<-h* scmname . filenames) (define pre (let ((first (car filenames))) (cond ((substring-ci? ".h" first) first) (else (set! filenames (cdr filenames)) #f)))) (apply scm<-includes scmname pre #f filenames) (delete-file "tmpprog.c") (delete-file "tmpprog")) (define h2scm scm<-h*) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; mode:scheme ;;; End: (exit (inc2scm.script (list-tail *argv* *optind*)))