#! /bin/sh :;exec ./scmlit -no-init-file -f $0 -e"(bi)" build $* (require 'getopt) (require 'getopt-parameters) (require-if 'compiling 'posix) (require-if 'compiling 'fluid-let) (require-if 'compiling 'read-command) (require-if 'compiling 'common-list-functions) (load (in-vicinity (program-vicinity) "build.scm")) ;@ (define (make-features-txi) (call-with-output-file "features.txi" (lambda (port) (((open-table build 'features) 'for-each-row-in-order) (lambda (row) (apply (lambda (name spec documentation) (display "@item " port) (display name port) (newline port) (display "@cindex " port) (display name port) (newline port) (display documentation port) (newline port) (newline port)) row)))))) ;@ (define (print-manifest port) (display "@multitable @columnfractions .22 .78" port) (newline port) (((open-table build 'manifest) 'for-each-row-in-order) (lambda (row) (apply (lambda (file format category documentation) (display (string-append "@item @code{" file) port) (display "}" port) (newline port) (display (string-append "@tab " documentation) port) (newline port)) row))) (display "@end multitable" port) (newline port)) (define (append-info-node path node afile) (let ((cat (open-file afile "a"))) (do ((n (+ -1 2) (+ -1 n))) ((negative? n) (close-port cat)) (newline cat))) (system (string-append "info -f " path " -n '" node "' -o - >> " afile))) ;@ (define (make-readme) (require 'posix) (let ((pipe (open-output-pipe "makeinfo --no-headers -o README")) (scm-info (read-version (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "patchlvl.h")))) (if (not pipe) (slib:error 'make-readme 'couldn't 'open 'pipe)) (display "\ This directory contains the distribution of scm" pipe) (display scm-info pipe) (display ". Scm conforms to Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme and the IEEE P1178 specification. SCM runs under Amiga, Atari-ST, MacOS, MS-DOS, OS/2, NOS/VE, Unicos, VMS, Unix and similar systems. @center @url{http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SCM} @section Manifest " pipe) (print-manifest pipe) (close-port pipe) (set! scm-info (string-append "scm" scm-info ".info")) (append-info-node scm-info "SLIB" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Making SCM" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Editing Scheme Code" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Problems Compiling" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Problems Linking" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Problems Running" "README") (append-info-node scm-info "Testing" "README"))) (define build:csv (make-command-server build '*commands*)) (define (build-from-argv) (define command (string->symbol (list-ref *argv* *optind*))) (define getopt- getopt--) (require 'fluid-let) (fluid-let ((getopt-- (lambda (optstring) (let* ((opt (getopt- (string-append optstring "f:-:")))) (cond ((eqv? #\f opt) (let () (require 'read-command) (require 'common-list-functions) (set! *argv* (append (butnthcdr *optind* *argv*) (read-options-file *optarg*) (nthcdr *optind* *argv*)))))) opt)))) (cond ((pair? *argv*) (set! *optind* (+ 1 *optind*)) (build:csv command (lambda (comname comval options positions arities types defaulters checks aliases) (let* ((params (getopt->parameter-list options arities types aliases)) (fparams (and params (fill-empty-parameters defaulters params)))) (cond ((not (list? params)) ;;(slib:warn 'build-from-argv 'not-parameters? fparams) #f) ((not (check-parameters checks fparams)) (slib:warn 'build-from-argv 'check-parameters 'failed) #f) ((not (check-arities (map arity->arity-spec arities) fparams)) (slib:error 'build-from-argv 'bad 'arity fparams) #f) (else (comval fparams)))))))))) ;@ (define (build-from-whole-argv argv) (if (string? argv) (let () (require 'read-command) (set! argv (call-with-input-string argv read-command)))) (set! *optind* 0) (set! *optarg* #f) (set! *argv* argv) (build-from-argv)) ;;;@ Used when invoked as script (define (bi) (exit (and (build-from-argv) #t))) ;@ (define b build-from-whole-argv) ;@ (define (b*) (require 'read-command) (do ((e (read-command) (read-command))) ((eof-object? e)) (cond ((null? e)) (else (cond ((not (string-ci=? (car e) "build")) (set! e (cons "build" e)))) (write (build-from-whole-argv e)) (newline))) (display "build> ") (force-output))) (cond (*interactive* (display "type (b \"build \") to build") (newline) (display "type (b*) to enter build command loop") (newline))) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; mode:scheme ;;; End: