;;;; "bench.scm", Scheme benchmarks: digits of pi and random statistics. ;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program. If not, see ;; . ;;; Author: Aubrey Jaffer. (require 'transcript) (require-if 'inexact 'root) (require-if 'inexact 'printf) (require 'random) (require 'array) ;;(load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "prng-v.scm")) (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "pi.scm")) (define isqrt (cond ((provided? 'inexact) sqrt) (else (require 'root) integer-sqrt))) (define i/ (cond ((provided? 'inexact) /) (else quotient))) (define around (cond ((provided? 'inexact) (let () (require 'printf) (lambda (x prec) (sprintf #f "%.*g" prec x)))) (else (lambda (x prec) x)))) (define (time-call proc . args) (let ((start-time (get-internal-run-time))) (apply proc args) (i/ (* 1000 (- (get-internal-run-time) start-time)) internal-time-units-per-second))) (define (benchmark-pi . arg) (define file (if (null? arg) "pi.log" (car arg))) (do ((digits 50 (+ digits digits)) (t 0 (time-call pi (+ digits digits) 4))) ((> t 3600) (do ((tl '() (cons (time-call pi digits 4) tl)) (j 12 (+ -1 j))) ((zero? j) (let* ((avg (i/ (apply + tl) (length tl))) (dev (isqrt (i/ (apply + (map (lambda (x) (* (- x avg) (- x avg))) tl)) (length tl))))) (and file (transcript-on file)) (for-each display (list digits " digits of pi took " (around avg 4) ".ms" " +/- " (around dev 2) ".ms")) (newline) (let ((scaled-avg (i/ (* (i/ (* avg 1000) digits) 1000) digits)) (scaled-dev (i/ (* (i/ (* dev 1000) digits) 1000) digits))) (for-each display (list " That is about " (around scaled-avg 4) ".ms/(kB)^2" " +/- " (around scaled-dev 2) ".ms/(kB)^2")) (newline) (and file (transcript-off))) )))))) (define (prng samples modu sta) (define sra (make-array (A:fixN32b) samples)) (do ((cnt (+ -1 samples) (+ -1 cnt)) (num (random modu sta) (random modu sta)) (sum 0 (+ sum num))) ((negative? cnt) (set! sum (+ sum num)) (let ((mean (i/ sum samples))) (define (square-diff x) (define z (- x mean)) (* z z)) (do ((cnt (+ -1 samples) (+ -1 cnt)) (var2 0 (+ (square-diff (array-ref sra cnt)) var2))) ((negative? cnt) (for-each display (list sum " / " samples " = " mean " +/- " (isqrt (i/ var2 samples)))) (newline))))) (array-set! sra num cnt))) (define (benchmark-prng . arg) (define file (if (null? arg) "prng.log" (car arg))) (define sta (seed->random-state "http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html")) (do ((samples 125 (* 4 samples)) (t 0 (time-call prng (* 2 samples) 999 sta))) ((or (> t 1000) (and (not (provided? 'bignum)) (> samples 1000))) (do ((tl '() (cons (time-call prng samples 999 sta) tl)) (j 12 (+ -1 j))) ((zero? j) (let* ((avg (i/ (apply + tl) (length tl))) (dev (isqrt (i/ (apply + (map (lambda (x) (* (- x avg) (- x avg))) tl)) (length tl))))) (and file (transcript-on file)) (for-each display (list samples " random samples took " (around avg 4) ".ms" " +/- " (around dev 2) ".ms")) (newline) (let ((scaled-avg (i/ (* avg 1000) samples)) (scaled-dev (i/ (* dev 1000) samples))) (for-each display (list " That is about " (around scaled-avg 4) ".ms/kB" " +/- " (around scaled-dev 2) ".ms/kB")) (newline) (and file (transcript-off))))))))) (benchmark-prng) (newline) (benchmark-pi)