## Dat Project Documentation Repository for the documentation of the Dat Project ecosystem. View the docs at [docs.dat-data.com](http://docs.dat-data.com). [![#dat IRC channel on freenode](https://img.shields.io/badge/irc%20channel-%23dat%20on%20freenode-blue.svg)](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=dat) [![datproject/discussions](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/datproject/discussions?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/Dat%20Project-Docs-green.svg)](http://docs.dat-data.com) ## Writing & Editing Docs [See docs folder](docs/readme.md) for information on editing and adding docs. Once you finish editing the docs, follow the update & deploy docs instructions. ## Installation & Usage This documentation uses [minidocs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minidocs). ### Viewing Docs Locally 1. Clone Repository 2. `npm install` 3. `npm run build:local` to build the docs for local viewing 4. `npm runs start` to view the docs in browser ### Updating & Deploying Docs 1. Clone Repository 2. `npm install` 3. Make documentation edits 4. `npm run deploy` to build docs & deploy to GitHub pages.` ### Updating External Module Docs We use [ecosystem-docs](https://github.com/hughsk/ecosystem-docs) to get documentation from other modules. 1. `npm run update` will update the list of repositories and download the latest docs. 2. Deploy! ## NPM Commands All the npm commands * `npm run deploy`: build and deploy to github * `npm run build:deploy`: build full html pages for deployment * `npm run build:local`: build app for local viewing * `npm start`: start budo server to view locally * `npm update`: run both update commands * `npm run update:list` updates the repository list only * `npm run update:build` downloads the latest readme to the docs folder. * `npm run paper`: create the paper with pandoc ## License ISC