path: root/package.json
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Netlify deployment (#39)Joe Hand2017-02-031-2/+2
* use datproject/awesome-dat for docsJoe Hand2017-02-021-1/+1
* use token for sync tooJoe Hand2016-12-171-3/+1
* add tokenJoe Hand2016-12-171-1/+1
* add sync script for travisJoe Hand2016-12-171-2/+6
* more work on paperMax Ogden2016-11-141-1/+1
* update paper and faqMax Ogden2016-11-081-1/+1
* update cnameJoe Hand2016-11-031-1/+1
* use svg logosethvincent2016-09-201-2/+2
* Simplify tree (#19)Karissa McKelvey2016-08-291-3/+3
* add dat-design and sass capability (#16)Karissa McKelvey2016-08-121-3/+8
* Use ecosystem docs to add module readme docs (#12)Joe Hand2016-08-051-11/+12
* add general info to welcome and use as indexJoe Hand2016-06-281-1/+1
* move docs content out of readme.md and force CNAME.Chia-liang Kao2016-06-291-3/+3
* Build pages with minidocsChia-liang Kao2016-06-191-1/+16
* script to grab list of repos for ecosystem-docsChia-liang Kao2016-06-191-0/+1
* add pdf generationMax Ogden2016-05-091-0/+20