path: root/views.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'views.py')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views.py b/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9002348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+Main Flask web application code for the torouter user interface. See also
+Run ``./torouterui.py --help`` for command line argument options; see bottom of
+this file for that code.
+The code that actually interacts with the operating system is the /helpers
+This code under a BSD license; see LICENSE file included with this code.
+from flask import Flask, render_template, send_from_directory, request
+import os
+from torouterui import app
+import torouterui.sysstatus as sysstatus
+import torouterui.netif as netif
+import torouterui.tor as tor
+def statuspage():
+ status = dict()
+ status['system'] = sysstatus.get_system_status()
+ status['resources'] = sysstatus.get_resources_status()
+ status['wan'] = netif.get_wan_status()
+ status['lan'] = netif.get_lan_status()
+ status['wifi'] = netif.get_wifi_status()
+ status['tor'] = tor.get_tor_status()
+ return render_template('home.html', settings=None, status=status)
+def aboutpage():
+ return render_template('about.html')
+@app.route('/reboot/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def rebootpage():
+ msg = list()
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ return render_template('reboot.html', status=None)
+ elif 'confirm' in request.form:
+ # TODO: actually execute reboot
+ #os.system('reboot &')
+ return render_template('reboot.html', status='rebooting')
+ else:
+ msg.append(("error", "Didn't confirm, not rebooting",),)
+ return render_template('reboot.html', status=None, messages=msg)
+@app.route('/wan/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def wanpage():
+ msg = list()
+ status = dict(wan=netif.get_wan_status())
+ if not status['wan']:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Interface not detected, can not be configured."),)
+ return render_template('wan.html', form=None, status=status,
+ messages=msg, formerr=None)
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ form = netif.get_wan_settings()
+ return render_template('wan.html', form=form, status=status,
+ formerr=None)
+ # Got this far, need to validate form
+ formerr = dict()
+ if request.form['ipv4method'] == 'disabled':
+ pass # no further validation
+ elif request.form['ipv4method'] == 'dhcp':
+ pass # no further validation
+ elif request.form['ipv4method'] == 'static':
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['ipv4addr']):
+ formerr['ipv4addr'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4mask(request.form['ipv4netmask']):
+ formerr['ipv4netmask'] = "Not a valid IPv4 netmask"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['ipv4gateway']):
+ formerr['ipv4gateway'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ else:
+ ke = KeyError("Invalid net config method: %s" % form['ipv4method'])
+ print ke
+ raise ke
+ if len(formerr.keys()) > 0:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Please correct the validation issues below"),)
+ else:
+ # Ok, we have a valid form, now to commit it
+ try:
+ netif.save_wan_settings(request.form)
+ msg.append(("success",
+ "Configuration saved! Check logs for any errors"),)
+ except IOError, ioerr:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes... permissions problem? \"%s\""
+ % ioerr))
+ return render_template('wan.html', form=request.form, status=status,
+ formerr=formerr, messages=msg)
+@app.route('/lan/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def lanpage():
+ msg = list()
+ status = dict()
+ status['lan'] = netif.get_lan_status()
+ if not status['lan']:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Interface not detected, can not be configured."),)
+ return render_template('lan.html', form=None, status=status,
+ messages=msg, formerr=None)
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ form = netif.get_lan_settings()
+ return render_template('lan.html', form=form, status=status,
+ formerr=None)
+ # Got this far, need to validate form
+ formerr = dict()
+ if request.form.get('ipv4enable') != 'true':
+ pass # no further validation
+ else:
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['ipv4addr']):
+ formerr['ipv4addr'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4mask(request.form['ipv4netmask']):
+ formerr['ipv4netmask'] = "Not a valid IPv4 netmask"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['dhcpbase']):
+ formerr['dhcpbase'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['dhcptop']):
+ formerr['dhcptop'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4mask(request.form['dhcpnetmask']):
+ formerr['dhcpnetmask'] = "Not a valid IPv4 netmask"
+ if len(formerr.keys()) > 0:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Please correct the validation issues below"),)
+ else:
+ # Ok, we have a valid form, now to commit it
+ try:
+ netif.save_lan_settings(request.form)
+ msg.append(("success",
+ "Configuration saved! Check logs for any errors"),)
+ except IOError, ioerr:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes... permissions problem? \"%s\""
+ % ioerr))
+ except Exception, err:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes... \"%s\"" % err))
+ raise err
+ return render_template('lan.html', form=request.form, status=status,
+ formerr=formerr, messages=msg)
+@app.route('/wifi/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def wifipage():
+ msg = list()
+ status = dict()
+ status['wifi'] = netif.get_wifi_status()
+ if not status['wifi']:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Interface not detected, can not be configured."),)
+ return render_template('wifi.html', form=None, status=status,
+ messages=msg, formerr=None)
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ form = netif.get_wifi_settings()
+ return render_template('wifi.html', form=form, status=status,
+ formerr=None)
+ # Got this far, need to validate form
+ formerr = dict()
+ if request.form['ipv4method'] == 'disabled':
+ pass # no further validation
+ elif request.form['ipv4method'] == 'static':
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['ipv4addr']):
+ formerr['ipv4addr'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4mask(request.form['ipv4netmask']):
+ formerr['ipv4netmask'] = "Not a valid IPv4 netmask"
+ if not netif.is_valid_ipv4(request.form['ipv4gateway']):
+ formerr['ipv4gateway'] = "Not a valid IPv4 address"
+ else:
+ ke = KeyError("Invalid method: %s" % form['ipv4method'])
+ print ke
+ raise ke
+ if len(formerr.keys()) > 0:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Please correct the validation issues below"),)
+ else:
+ # Ok, we have a valid form, now to commit it
+ try:
+ netif.save_wifi_settings(request.form)
+ msg.append(("success",
+ "Configuration saved! Check logs for any errors"),)
+ except IOError, ioerr:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes... permissions problem? \"%s\""
+ % ioerr))
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes... \"%s\"" % e))
+ return render_template('wifi.html', form=request.form, status=status,
+ formerr=formerr, messages=msg)
+ return render_template('wifi.html', settings=None, status=None)
+@app.route('/tor/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def torpage():
+ msg = list()
+ status = dict()
+ status['tor'] = tor.get_tor_status()
+ # Check for reset first
+ if request.method == 'POST' and \
+ request.form.get('submit') == 'Restart':
+ try:
+ tor.restart_tor()
+ msg.append(("info",
+ "Reloading Tor daemon... please wait a minute then <a href='/tor'>revisit this page</a> (don't just reload)."),)
+ except Exception, err:
+ msg.append(("error", err),)
+ return render_template('tor.html', form=None, status=status,
+ formerr=None, messages=msg)
+ # Then regular GET
+ if request.method == 'GET' or (request.method == 'POST' and \
+ request.form.get('submit') == 'Reset'):
+ if status['tor']['state'] == 'DISABLED':
+ msg.append(("warning",
+ "Could not connect to Tor daemon for control."),)
+ form = None
+ elif status['tor']['state'] == 'PERMISSION_DENIED':
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Permission denied when connecting to Tor daemon for control."),)
+ form = None
+ else:
+ form = tor.get_tor_settings()
+ return render_template('tor.html', form=form, status=status,
+ formerr=None, messages=msg)
+ # Got this far, need to validate form
+ formerr = dict()
+ # TODO: form validation
+ if len(formerr.keys()) > 0:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Please correct the validation issues below"),)
+ else:
+ # Ok, we have a valid form, now to commit it
+ try:
+ tor.save_tor_settings(request.form)
+ msg.append(("success",
+ "Configuration saved! Check logs for any errors"),)
+ except Exception, err:
+ msg.append(("error",
+ "Was unable to commit changes...\"%s\""
+ % err))
+ return render_template('tor.html', settings=None, status=None,
+ form=request.form, formerr=None, messages=msg)
+ return render_template('tor.html', settings=None, status=None,
+ form=request.form, formerr=None, messages=msg)
+@app.route('/logs/', methods=['GET'])
+def logspage():
+ logs = dict()
+ logs['dmesg'] = sysstatus.get_dmesg()
+ logs['syslog'] = sysstatus.get_log("/var/log/syslog")
+ logs['authlog'] = sysstatus.get_log("/var/log/auth.log")
+ logs['tor'] = sysstatus.get_log("/var/log/tor/notices.log")
+ return render_template('logs.html', logs=logs)
+@app.route('/processes/', methods=['GET'])
+def processespage():
+ process_list = sysstatus.get_process_list()
+ return render_template('processes.html', process_list=process_list)
+def favicon():
+ """ Simple static redirect """
+ return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'),
+ 'favicon.ico',
+ mimetype='image/vnd.microsoft.icon')
+def robots():
+ """ "Just in case?" """
+ return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'),
+ 'robots.txt',
+ mimetype='text/plain')