opcodes note: no unary, increment, decrement arthithmetic: + - * / % bitwise: l r & | ^ ~ "<<" is l, ">>" is r all are atoms or binary operators, so recursive compilation to a forth-like? order of ops: ~ * / % + - << >> & ^ | final console interface: #hashtag (exact) -> searches identica for tunes @username (exact) -> parses identica feed for tunes _1234... -> plays track from memory expression -> compiles and plays expression [else] -> searches greedily for a valid expression; if not found, ignores bytetros? void proc_token() int[32] itable struct { node* car, nlist* cdr } nlist tlist* tcons(token*, ) struct { } token token[140] ttable struct { char type, int* iptr, int * } node ntable[140] int h2i(char*) s-exp method: tokenize: glom numbers preparse: match parens, return s-expr parse: turn into prefix notation validate: check against rules compile: optionally remove trivial identities ("~~") and evaluate static expressions general method: grammar parser, returns ast