#!/bin/sh BLOCKSIZE=516096 WORKING_DIR=`pwd` echo "This script will create a bootable ext3 image from buildroot." echo "Enter the path to the image (${WORKING_DIR})" read IMG_PATH if [ "${IMAGE_PATH}" = "" ]; then IMAGE_PATH=${WORKING_DIR} fi echo "Enter the name of the image file (buildroot.img)" read IMG_NAME if [ "${IMAGE_NAME}" = "" ]; then IMAGE_NAME="buildroot.img" fi IMAGE=${IMAGE_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME} echo "Enter the path to the root filesystem that you want" echo "to install to the image" read ROOT_PATH if [ "${ROOT_PATH}" = "" ]; then echo "Error: you must specify a path." exit 1 fi CYLINDERS=`du --summarize --block-size=${BLOCKSIZE} ${ROOT_PATH}` BYTE_SIZE=`du --summarize --block-size=${BLOCKSIZE} --human-readable ${ROOT_PATH}` CYLINDERS=${CYLINDERS%${ROOT_PATH}} BYTE_SIZE=${BYTE_SIZE%${ROOT_PATH}} CYLINDERS=`expr ${CYLINDERS} "+" 2` echo "Now I will create an ext3 image file" echo "using ${CYLINDERS} cylinders, with ${BLOCKSIZE} bytes per block" echo "in other words, ${BYTE_SIZE}bytes..." dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE} bs=${BLOCKSIZE}c count=${CYLINDERS} # Create file partition and filesystem # STEP 1. create partition /sbin/losetup /dev/loop3 ${IMAGE} # probably should figure out how to use GNU parted to do this non-interactively /sbin/fdisk -u -C${CYLINDERS} -S63 -H16 /dev/loop3 /sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop3 # STEP 2. make file system (ext3) /sbin/losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop3 ${IMAGE} /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop3 /sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop3 # Install Software to the image mkdir -p ${IMAGE_PATH}/temp mount -o offset=32256,loop ${IMAGE} ${IMAGE_PATH}/temp cp -a ${ROOT_PATH}/* ${IMAGE_PATH}/temp # make sure to unmount the image umount ${IMAGE_PATH}/temp rm -rf ${IMAGE_PATH}/temp # Create a VMware .vmx file cat > ${IMAGE_PATH}/buildroot.vmx <