This is a clone of the buildroot repository with Novena laptop build support. For more information on this hardware: The base (buildroot rootfs) support is relatively cleanly implemented (make novena_config), though incomplete (eg, missing DMA drivers, complete PCIe support). This file, however, describes how to build a complete bootable image file with a debian rootfs, build with polystrap (based on multistrap). The polystrap scripts are included in this repo (see polystrap/README), but the multistrap tools and fakeroot/fakechroot/qemu must be installed on the host system (which pretty much assumes a debian-based host). Like buildroot, this system allows a full build as a non-root user, with the exception that two target-platform-arch binaries (fake(ch)root .so libraries, for armhf in this case) must be installed on the host system in privileged locations. The hack below describes how to do this by collecting the binary files from debian packages themselves, which perhaps makes this hack less agregious to those with freedom/security concerns. DISCLAIMERS: * Work in Progress, assume zero reliability or security * multistrap does not validated apt packages from inside fakeroot * current images have null password root login * current images run sshd with passwordless root login * u-boot has pointy corners; eg, building outside of a git repository required hacks * most buildroot sources are fetched over non-https connections and are not even checksummed As a pre-requisit, need to install the following packages (assuming debian host): sudo apt-get install fakeroot fakechroot multistrap openssl qemu-user-static Setup polystrap requirements, and build debian rootfs: 1. cd ./polystrap 2. run ./ novena; it will fail. you need to copy the fakeroot and fakechroot libraries for the *target* architecture into your *host* operating system's path: sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf sudo cp debian-wheezy-armhf-*/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/fakechroot/ debian-wheezy-armhf-*/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libfakeroot/ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ 3. rm -rf debian-wheezy-armhf-* 4. ./ novena # ignore the final warning from tar 5. mkdir -p ../output/images 6. cp debian-wheezy-armhf-*.tar ../output/images/debian-rootfs.tar Build kernel, u-boot, and final images: 1. make novena_debian_config 2. make menuconfig # (saving output) 3. make