A very basic project template for Verilog simulation and synthesis using Isim and Xilinx tools. Contents: hdl/ Verilog Code tb/ "testbench" simulation code docs/ documentation contrib/ Project-independent build scripts are set here backup/ A handful of old "known-good" bitfiles can get archived here. sngdaq.ucf Wired Leaf pinout definition file Makefile Project-specific build variables are set here == HOWTO Build a Bitfile ===================================================== The Xilinx ISE development must be installed and licensed on the local machine. A set of command-line build scripts are usually used to build the project instead of the ISE IDE, but the later could be configured and used as well. Python and GNU make must be on the $PATH. Build a bitstream (to upload to an FPGA, preconfigured as Spartan 6 chip in Makefile) via: make The toplevel ucf (constraints mapping netlist objects from the verilog compilation to hardware resources, and place and routing and timing constraints) is: ./sngdaq.ucf The toplevel verilog module, which does nothing (just sets some pins to zero) lives in: ./hdl/sngdaq.v To edit the project with the ISE GUI, try: make ise WARNING: the ISE configuration options may or may not be synchronized with the command line build options. Edit the options in project.opt and build only from the command line to be safe. Simulate with isim via: make simulate View the results using isim with: make isim In isim, you can open the "signals.wcfg" in the file menu to reload a the logic analyzer configuration. This cfg file will not be valid if you delete any signals from your design that are saves in the wcfg. ./testbench/tb.v is the toplevel testbench file for simulation. Please improve and push! == HOWTO Coregen ============================================================= Run `make coregen` and use the GUI to generate a core. Depending on the output, copy .v files to hdl/ and/or .xco files to cores/. update the Makefile. For any .xco files, strip the "Project Options" secion and the final CRC line.