""" Utility functions used by helper code to crudely grab the output of simple UNIX command line programs, plus a couple misc other functions. """ import os import subprocess def cli_read(cmd): p = os.popen(cmd) return ''.join(p.readlines()) def cli_read_lines(cmd): p = os.popen(cmd) return p.readlines() def fs_read(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: return ''.join(f.readlines()) def enable_service(name): #os.system('update-rc.d %s defaults &' % name) subprocess.Popen(['service', name, 'restart'], close_fds=True) def disable_service(name): """Currently, this is never actually called""" #os.system('update-rc.d %s remove &' % name) subprocess.Popen(['nohup', 'service', name, 'stop'], close_fds=True) def prefix_to_ipv4_mask(prefixlen): assert(prefixlen >= 0) assert(prefixlen <= 32) mask = (0xFFFFFFFF & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - prefixlen))) a = (0xFF000000 & mask) >> 24 b = (0x00FF0000 & mask) >> 16 c = (0x0000FF00 & mask) >> 8 d = (0x000000FF & mask) return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a, b, c, d)