import os def write(files): tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/tor-tui" tmpfiles = [] for file in files: if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) tmpfile = tmp_dir + file[0].split("/")[-1:][0] + ".tmp" tmpfiles.append((tmpfile,file[0])) # open the tmp file for write f = open(tmpfile, 'w') # write the data (file[1]) to the temp file f.write(file[1]) f.close() # rename all the file. This operation is atomic #for file in tmpfiles: # os.rename(file[0], file[1]) # for testing #files = [('/tmp/file1','blablbal'),('/tmp/file2','The content'),('/tmp/file3','The content 3')] #write(files)