- ROOT PASSSWORD IS "CRUD" AND REMOTE SSH IS ALLOWED - tor permissions: - chown debian-tor:debian-tor /var/log/tor /var/lib/tor - chgrp debian-tor /etc/tor/ /etc/tor/* - chmod g+rw /etc/tor/ /etc/tor/* - test persistance - dreamplug: uap hack, libertas firmware - uap hacks as a debian package - create m-a source package - build on dreamplug, save binary result; automate this? - custom kernel (grsec etc) http://live.debian.net/manual/html/live-manual.en.html#411 - openntpd prevents login - include ttdnsd package manually - eth0 hotplug - remove torouter /etc/hosts listing - document @!#(*$&#@! openntpd problem TBD: - persistant setuid issue - determine which configurations can be settled using debconf preseeds http://live.debian.net/manual/html/live-manual.en.html#495 - network stuff: use if-up.d/if-down.d/etc - remove unnecessary tty2+ lines completely from /etc/inittab - ntp.conf - faster boots http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Booting_Debian_in_14_seconds http://lwn.net/Articles/299483/ - in dmesg: HOST_CMD_APCMD_POWER_MODE fail=2