Journal: Jan 16, 2009
Bryan Newbold,
Today I setup a git repository (for source code management); it's backed up
to my personal webspace with a web interface at
I'll also copy these journal entries to my
athena locker. As an aside,
keeping notes in a git repository is a great way to maintain scientific
integrity. We're taught in our lab classes to carefully keep all of our
notes and printouts of data in notebooks with numbered and dated pages and
even to sign/initial the corner of each page when it's full to certify it as
our own work. This makes omissions (missing page numbers) and changes
(which should be indicated, dated, and signed) stand out. Checkins to git
repositories are dated and anoted with the author's email address, and can
even be cryptographically signed. Each commit is hashed with both its contents
and its parent's hash, so the hash of any commit down the line can be verified
against the entire chain of commits leading to it; if any files have been
tampered with it will be obvious, though of course this assurance is only as
good as the hash algorithms used ;)
For the past two weeks or so i've mostly been teaching myself scheme using
The Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schemer. My notes on those books are
here and
here; my
notes on scheme itself are
here (note: last link
temporarily broken?).
(next entry)