

adenosine - command-line client for AT protocol (atproto.com)


adenosine [OPTIONS] \<COMMAND> \<ARGS>


This is a simple, enthusiast-grade CLI client for the work-in-progress AT Protocol (atproto.com). It is an entirely \"delegated\" client, which means that it does not store or cache any user content locally; everything works by making HTTP/XRPC requests to a Personal Data Server (PDS), which is usually a remote service.

The only real utility of this tool currently is messing around with prototype implementations, possibly while developing them.

This client does not currently do any schema validation of Lexicons, either at compile time or runtime (eg, dynamically fetching Lexicons). The Bluesky Lexicon (bsky.app) is partially supported with helper commands.


Several commands accept generic key/value fields which are passed through as either query parameters or combined together in to a request body JSON object. Escaping and other corner-cases aren\'t handled.


Query parameter. Key and Value both passed as strings.


Body fields, combined together as a JSON object. Keys are strings, values are parsed as JSON with fall-through to string type.

For example, the argument list limit==25 title=\"regarding documentation\" year=2022 tags=\'[\"blue\", \"green\"]\' would be interpreted as a single query parameter \"limit\" with value \"25\", and a JSON object with keys \"title\" (string value), \"year\" (number value), \"tags\" (array of strings).



Summarizes configuration, and (TODO) connection and authentication to the API server. Useful for debugging.

describe [name]

Prints repository description fetched from PDS

resolve \<name>

Has PDS resolve handle to a DID

Generic XRPC Requests

It is possible to construct and submit a generic XRPC request to the PDS, and prints any response.See field syntax section above about query parameters and body fields. Body fields only used for \"post\" requests.

xrpc \<\"get\"|\"post\"> \<nsid> [fields]+

Generic Record Interaction

ls \<at-uri>

List either collections under a repository, or records under a collection

get \<at-uri>

Fetch and print a single record

create \<collection> [fields]...

Construct and create a generic record, printing the resulting AT-URI and CID

update \<at-uri> [fields]...

Fetch record, update fields, \"put\" back to same record path

delete \<at-uri>

Delete a single record from repository

Bluesky (bsky.app)

bsky feed

Fetch the home feed, or account feed for a specific user

bsky follow

Create a \'follow\' record for the target by AT URI

bsky like

Create a \'like\' record for the target by AT URI

bsky notifications

Fetch notification feed

bsky post

Create a new \'post\' record

bsky profile

Display a profile record (or self if not provided)

bsky repost

Create a \'repost\' record for the target by AT URI

bsky search-users

Query by partial handle

Account Management

account register --email \<email> --password \<password> --handle \<handle>

account info

Fetches account metadata for the current session

account login --password \<password> --handle \<handle>

Create a new authenticated session

account logout

Deletes the current login session

Raw Repository Management

repo export [did]

Dump raw binary repository as CAR format to stdout

repo import [did]

Read raw binary repository as CAR format from stdin, and import to PDS

repo root [did]

Get the current \'root\' commit for a DID


-h, --help

Prints help information

-V, --version

Prints version information

-v, --verbose

Pass many times for more log output By default, it\'ll only report errors. Passing `-v` one time also prints warnings, `-vv` enables info logging, `-vvv` debug, and `-vvvv` trace.

--host \<atp-host> [env: ATP_HOST]

--auth-token \<auth-token> [env: ATP_AUTH_TOKEN]


To start interacting with a PDS, set the `ATP_HOST` environment variable. Then either register a test account, or create a new session for an existing account, and save the JWT token to the `ATP_AUTH_TOKEN`:

# default port for bluesky-social/atproto implementation
export ATP_HOST=http://localhost:2583

# register a new account
adenosine account register -u voltaire.test -p bogus -e voltaire@example.com
    "did": "did:plc:yqtuksvatmmgngd5nkkw75hn",
    "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOnlxdHVrc3ZhdG1tZ25nZDVua2t3NzVobiIsImlhdCI6MTY2Njk5NjMwNn0.MMQa4JIQdwvhy-rjJ0kO-z8-KdoOL0Lto9JtOkK-lwE",
    "handle": "voltaire.test"

export ATP_AUTH_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOnlxdHVrc3ZhdG1tZ25nZDVua2t3NzVobiIsImlhdCI6MTY2Njk5NjMwNn0.MMQa4JIQdwvhy-rjJ0kO-z8-KdoOL0Lto9JtOkK-lwE

# to clear the auth token env variable

# create a new session (login) for existing account
adenosine account login -u voltaire.test -p bogus
    "did": "did:plc:yqtuksvatmmgngd5nkkw75hn",
    "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOnlxdHVrc3ZhdG1tZ25nZDVua2t3NzVobiIsImlhdCI6MTY2Njk5NjQxNX0.j2wcF1g9NxT_1AvYRiplNf_jtK6S81y3L38AkcBwOqY",
    "name": "voltaire.test"

export ATP_AUTH_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOnlxdHVrc3ZhdG1tZ25nZDVua2t3NzVobiIsImlhdCI6MTY2Njk5NjQxNX0.j2wcF1g9NxT_1AvYRiplNf_jtK6S81y3L38AkcBwOqY

You could save the `ATP_HOST` and `ATP_AUTH_TOKEN` values in `\~/.bashrc` so you don\'t need to enter them every time.

Now you can start posting and poking around:

adenosine bsky post "gruel again for breakfast"
    "cid": "bafyreig2aqlsg4arslck64wbo2hnhe6k2a4z3z2sjfzh3uapv3a4zjld7e",
    "uri": "at://did:plc:yqtuksvatmmgngd5nkkw75hn/app.bsky.post/3jg5zkr322c2a"

adenosine ls at://voltaire.test