This is a Julia wrapper of the PyX plotting and TeX graphics library from Python. It is a work in progress, broken, and will set your computer on fire. ## Example ``` using PyX g = graph.graphxy(width=8) plot(graph_data_function("y(x)=sin(x)/x", min=-15, max=15)) writeEPSfile(g, "function") writePDFfile(g, "function") writeSVGfile(g, "function") ``` ## Install There are no installation instructions. ## Notes and Caveats To run tests, do something like: JULIA_LOAD_PATH=src julia test/runtests.jl PyX >= 0.13 (2013) is Python3 only. PyX <= 0.12.1 is Python2. Instead of Python's `None`, use Julia's `nothing`. `graph_data.function` won't work in Julia because `function` is a reserved word. Use `graph_data_function` instead. Also check the TODO file.